Page 26 - BOSS Today Issue 38
P. 26



       Specialist OP market researcher Martin Wilde talks to Adam Noble, Managing
       Director of the Irongate Group.

       MW: Please can you give    opportunities they have with   deal of courage, and this can   future for resellers a lot stronger.
       a synopsis of your career   existing clients! Dealers have   hold dealers back. Dealers
       to date?                   great client relationships which   also need to ensure they have   MW: Why have you
       AN: I joined Irongate in 1989   provide them with leverage   access to the finance needed   recently joined the BOSS
       when the business was a small   to sell other products. With   to invest back into the business   Board?
       retail shop selling photocopying   every new category the dealer   and have the confidence to go   AN: My involvement in BOSS
       services on Iron Gate in Derby   moves into, they have this high   out and invest in people with   has been minimal to date and
       and had a turnover of £250k.   service mentality, and once   the specialist skills that can help   this is why I recently decided to
       Since then I have worked in   this is wrapped around a new   them transform their business.   join the BOSS Board. I feel that
       various roles, initially within   category such as cleaning,                      the industry is worth fighting
       Business Development focusing   workwear or print, clients see a   MW: If I was to start a   for and needs everyone to get
       on winning new business and   whole new level of service being   dealership in January   involved. When you are as vocal
       accounts, before becoming Sales   delivered.           2018, what advice would    as I am it is good to get involved
       Manager, Sales Director and                            you give me?               and - instead of just talking
       eventually Managing Director.   MW: What have been     AN: I know that the standard   about it – actively try and help
       We now employ over 100 staff   the main challenges for   answer is “Don’t do it!” but   move it forward.
       and have sales of around £20m.  independent dealers in   in fact there is money and
                                  2017?                       opportunity in office supplies   MW: What does BOSS
       MW: What have been the     AN: The biggest problem for   if you can get out there with   membership offer
       main opportunities for     dealers is having a “stationer’s   a story convincing enough to   independent dealers?
       independent dealers in     mindset”: thinking about how   show the value you can add   AN: BOSS membership is
       2017?                      you can move through the    to the client. However, it’s   tailored for dealers and offers
       AN: To make the most of the   categories does take a great   essential that you build strategic   great value, but the biggest
                                                              alliances with others - maybe in   obstacle dealers face here is
                                                              print, furniture, workwear and   finding out what’s open to them
                                                              washrooms - who can support   and what they can get out of it.
                                                              you when you do get that print   Before my involvement I wanted
                                                              or workwear opportunity. Then,   to look at market data, analyse
                                                              when you get to the scale where   what the industry was doing
                                                              you’re big enough, you can start   and look at customer spending
                                                              to put in the investment to take   habits, patterns and growth.
                                                              on your own people.        This data is available through
                                                                                         BOSS, along with opportunities
                                                              MW: What has been your     for training, networking and
                                                              involvement with BOSS to   advice. We dealers love the
                                                              date?                      industry, so let’s get involved
                                                              AN: I’ve been a member now   and make it stronger and better
                                                              for two or three years. I’ve   together!
                                                              always thought we have a great
                                                              industry, full of clever people   MW: Please tell me
                                                              and that as an industry we   something about
                                                              need to work together. While   yourself that few others
                                                              all these businesses on the   know?
                                                              reseller side are competition, we   AN: I’m a keen gardener and
                                                              all operate in the same market   spend my weekends in the
                                                              and by working together and   garden growing flowers and
                                                              collaborating we can make the   vegetables.

       26  BOSS TODAY | December 2017/January 2018
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