Page 21 - BOSS Today Issue 38
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best of the promotions that are   shredders (because of GDPR),   of dealers achieving competitive   from January 1st we will be
       available: “When an OP dealer   and money handling products   pricing in this sector.   publishing some recommended
       tells us that they want to focus on   (because of the move to polymer   For JGBM, the strategic   margin categories – not saying
       selling technology products, we   banknotes).          key to dealers’ success is the   what margin levels are, but
       emphasise that they must ‘lead’   However, for both companies   rapid and effective use of   allocating products to levels A,
       with offering products featured   there is an emphasis not just   manufacturer promotions   B, C, D and E – to indicate where
       in manufacturer promotions.   on providing product, but also   in order to gain competitive   dealers can make the most
       Dealers in general are not making   information: says Holmes: “If   advantage. JGBM’s sister   margin.”
       best use of the promotions that   you look at a typical dealer’s   company 2020 Digital Media   Holmes believes that dealers
       manufacturers do put together,   website, and you look at Amazon,   created its 2020Pro e-commerce   need to review how they
       which is a particular problem,   the information available on a   platform for just this purpose.   price out, particularly on their
       because it’s exactly this that   product is way different: for a   As well as e-commerce, it’s also   websites: “If a dealer uses a
       enables them to fight back   dealer to sell more machines,   a CMS content management   standard percentage discount
       against Amazon, as well as local   they need to look at how well   system and an auto-marketing   off RRP pricing model they could
       competition.”              these are being represented   platform, as George explains   find themselves way over on
                                  on their website. There need to   “One unique feature of 2020Pro   price. If you are selling a machine
       It’s Not All About The Machine  be as many images, videos and   is that manufacturers can log   for £7-800 you don’t need to
       Exertis Supplies offers over 200   links to manufacturers’ pages as   into it directly and publish their   make a 30% margin on it – that’s
       SKUs in calculators, labelling,   possible, to give the customer all   promotions straight to dealers’   a lot of cash.  So, we are trying
       laminators, 3D printers, shredders,   that they need. Data is the key to   websites. Dealers can then create   to help the dealer become more
       time attendance products and   selling more complex products   an e-shot from these and send   competitively priced by giving
       binders, and also leverages   successfully, so one of the key   them out to customers in a   the dealers the tools to be able to
       the stockholding of its sister   areas we have been focusing on   couple of minutes or share them   price up from cost and be more
       company, Exertis IT, which   is getting the right, good quality   on social media in just a few   competitive, rather than rely on a
       comprises another 1,400 SKUs   information on the website. We   clicks.”          retail price that is unrealistic.”
       in technology products such as   partner with both Openrange   George certainly believes
       printers, monitors, projectors   and Fusion Data+ so dealers can   that the 2020Pro approach will   Spreading The Word
       and scanners.  Explains Holmes,   choose where they get their data   unlock the market for dealers:   Of course, getting the offer and
       “Dealers can order these through   from. We give the premium level   “It’s wrong for dealers to believe   the website right is not the end
       Exertis Supplies and they are   of data through Fusion free of   that they cannot compete in   of the story, as George explains
       delivered by drop ship next day:   charge, and work very closely with   office technology because of   “It sounds obvious but dealers
       the advantage is that dealers   the manufacturers and encourage   online pricing: that would be   should email not just their
       don’t need to have an account   them to give us the best data.”  true if they just listed regular   customers’ regular OP buyer,
       with Exertis IT to access these   George also believes that,   hardware products and left it at   but also the sales contacts,
       products.  Overall, we are seeing   fundamentally, a core strength   that, because these will always   receptionist, secretary and
       a lot of OP dealer interest in   of JGBM is service and data: “We   be available cheaper elsewhere   management. They should set
       the technology side, where our   offer a fairly unique service that is   online. However, if they instead   themselves a monthly target to
       £2.5bn purchasing power enables   in essence traditional but backed   focus on the promotions, then   increase their email database
       us to be very competitive.”  up by modern technology.   there is a much greater chance   and social media followers. This
         JGBM offers 3,500 office   Basically, we provide support to   of getting the sale. These should   is a proven strategy. There are
       technology SKUs in 30 office   a dealer to help sell-out: when   be utilised in a smart way in   still too many dealers that don’t
       technology categories from 40   a dealer gets a question from   terms of timing. We can prove   regularly email or don’t email at
       manufacturers. The company’s   a customer about a particular   that for at least the first couple   all. However, I would emphasise
       customer base is mainly OP   piece of technology, they often   of weeks of the month of launch,   that there is no point in following
       dealers, internet resellers and IT   don’t have the resource to answer   those dealers that feature those   this strategy if you’re then
       resellers, but George reports that   it.  However, our sales staff are   promotions on their website   pointing customers to a website
       “OP dealers are an increasing   trained and tested directly by   can offer a better deal to their   that doesn’t do a job for you. We
       share of our sales, partly because   manufacturers on a regular basis,   customers than, for example,   believe there’s only a finite time
       we are increasingly working more   so they are able to advise which   Amazon, PC World, eBay and   for dealers to get all this right in
       closely with the more pro-active   model or solution would be best   local competition. It’s like a loss   the face of the growth of Amazon
       dealers.”                  for purpose – and also explain   leader that isn’t a loss!”  Business; it’s all about staying
         Across all of these categories,   which products are on offer and   For Holmes, the problem   alive, and the key to staying alive
       demand in the print, 3D print,   in stock at that time. In addition to   is currently located on dealer   is to stay relevant.”
       laminators, labelling and digital   this, JGBM writes its own unique   reliance on discounting RRP:
       dictation sectors are reported   data.”                “If a dealer doesn’t focus on   Martin Wilde – the author of this
       by these companies to have                             the machines market they will   article - is Managing Director of OP
       particularly grown recently, with   The Price Is Right?  usually be uncompetitive.  As a   market research specialists Martin
       next year being seen as a further   Each of these two companies has   result, we don’t publish RRPs and   Wilde Associates Ltd
       opportunity for items such as   its own solution to the problem   have no plans to do so: instead,   (

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