Page 20 - BOSS Today Issue 38
P. 20

Special Report - Machines

                   Paul Mckenzie, Finance Director, Trina
                   Wanza, Marketing Executive, ABL UK

                   What kind of growth rates   Which subcategories are      have beaten our sales records, so
                   are monitor arms and power   showing the most growth in   obviously we will be looking to
                   modules seeing in 2017 and   2017 and why?               continue that going into next year.
                   what is driving this?       Monitor arms have been particularly
                   Overall growth rates have been   successful this year: we have been   Why should dealers get involved
                   excellent, with demand being   working with a team that has   in selling these products?
                   particularly strong from the public   produced an arm called Glide that   Our products will allow dealers to
                   sector. All our products have been   we have exclusive rights to in the UK,   make very good margins: a smart
                   designed to help end-users to   and this has been going particularly   dealer will realise that there is more
                   work faster, tidier and smarter.   well.                 profit margin in our products than in
                   With people now using more                               selling desks!
                   chargeable devices – such as iPads,   What innovations are currently
                   tablets and iPhones – to do their   occurring in this sector?  What support can you give
                   work, users can stop crawling   This year we’ve launched a new   dealers to help them sell these
                   around under the desk amid heaps   power module called Chroma, which   products effectively?
                   of wires and instead have a power   has interchangeable colour rings   We hold a range of stock which we
                   module placed on the desk which   which can fit with whatever furniture   can deliver virtually next day and
                   can charge and facilitate a whole   colour or corporate branding you   can also provide bespoke products
                   range of office devices, including   have in place. We’ve also refined   based on customers’ requirements.
                   phones, tablets and printers. Our   our circular-shaped Port-el product   We also have a new system in place
                   monitor arms have been designed   with the addition of chrome metal   that allows us to provide dealers
                   to reduce strain on the back   replacing what was previously a   with quotes in situ and shows real
                   and neck and support multiple   plastic moulded ring.  This has lifted   time stock availability. Our sales
                   employees in that screens can be   the product’s feel and has been well   team is available all day to assist with
                   moved around easily. We have   received by the market.   dealer enquiries and can ensure
                   found that chiropractors are very                        that everything runs smoothly with
                   interested in our products and the   What expectations for this sector   product information and support.
                   kind of health benefits they bring   do you have for 2018?  We have recently changed our office
                   – making sure that workers are   I don’t think anyone really knows   schedule to provide longer opening
                   positioned properly at their desks   where the market is going, because   hours and also, with our new courier,
                   and alleviating strain on their necks   of Brexit. However, we have had   we can provide late dispatches for
                   and backs.                  four months already this year that   next day delivery.

                     Chroma Power Module                            Chroma Power Module

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