Page 20 - BOSS Today Issue 55
P. 20
OSS has the industry’s environmental some sections which also provide and implement within your business.
Band sustainability requirements at additional self-assessments focused on Resources to help you improve your
the forefront of its focus in providing topics to help you plan for progress in environmental requirements can be
support, and – in association with that area. The content is intended to help accessed through this report.
the BPIF – has created a Road Map to you continually grow your knowledge
achieve this. and performance and can be used by any Best Practice and Guidance
The Environmental Road Map is company, no matter where they are on The Road Map includes content that
here to help you find a path to navigate their journey. will help you work to achieve optimal
your environmental requirements. It performance in environmental and
consists of a baseline self-assessment What Does The Road Map Include? sustainability requirements by sharing
with a supporting resource and support information from Government
platform. The Road Map is intended Baseline Self-Assessment initiatives, industry providers and
to help you find where you are on This is a short and easy 13 question environmental specialists. It includes
the route to saving costs by reducing assessment that asks you about the a wide range of topics relevant to our
wastes, protecting yourself from legal requirements you should consider when industry, and content will be added
and climate risks, understanding and looking at your business’s environmental regularly.
responding to customer demands (as and sustainability requirements. To Currently, it covers: energy
they become more environmentally start your journey, get your baseline and carbon, material waste, legal
aware and concerned), being able to assessment here. compliance & pollution prevention,
look ahead to any new requirements water consumption, climate change,
on the horizon, and achieving better Report of Self-Assessment Results environmental drivers, future legislation,
environmental and sustainability The report provides an overview of business systems and processes,
performance. your assessment results. Each question working with your supply chain, circular
As well as delivering content that is marked as either ‘low priority’ or economy, local area and site, and waste
provides insight, best practice, case ‘priority attention’ and provides you with management and recycling. Access the
studies, guidance, and links to external a recommended overview of what you best practice and guidance content
information and resources, there are may need to learn, understand, review here.