Page 25 - BOSS Today Issue 55
P. 25
Help Raise Funds For The BOSS Business
Supplies Charity And Make 2022 A Better Year!
here has already been tremendous n Spa: £140 per person – includes one To book, visit
Tinterest in this year’s annual BOSS treatment, use of the spa facilities,
Business Supplies Charity Day on 15th a prosecco lunch and the evening
June at Belton Woods Hotel, Grantham networking dinner. For more information please email
NG23 2LN, with golf teams already If you
being entered by some of our lndustry’s n Networking Dinner: tickets are would like to support the event by
largest companies and places for the spa just £40. If you are coming to the sponsoring part of it, please contact
beginning to fill up. BOSS Manufacturers’ Forum on the
As usual, the Charity Day offers a following day, this is a great way to
choice of two fantastic daytime activities start your visit!
- Golf, or the Spa – both being followed
by the evening’s Networking Dinner, BOSS Charity Chair Martin Wilde
including the Charity’s Auction and commented: “Our industry’s Charity
Raffle, all with Covid-secure measures to financially assists over 100 families a
keep you safe: year, and this annual Charity Day is a
vital source of fundraising to help us
n Golf: £400 for a team of 4 – including keep providing this support. Our team
the evening Networking Dinner. has already secured some amazing
Golfers of all abilities are welcome! If raffle and auction prizes, so – even if
you would like us to put you in a team, you are not a golfer – why not join us
please let us know. on the 15th June?
new member – YPO
products and services to a wide range furniture – or even things like
of customers, including schools, local electricity, food and insurance –YPO can
authorities, charities, emergency help customers get the best deals. YPO’s
services, the public sector and other customers receive the best possible
businesses, such as nurseries and care range and prices without ever having to
homes. compromise on service or quality.
They are 100% publicly owned by 13 YPO are really looking forward to
local authorities, which means that engaging and networking with BOSS
profits are returned to public sector members and supporting the trade with
customers. Since they introduced their knowledge and experience. They
a loyalty scheme in 2011, YPO have are hoping to add value and contribute to
managed to return the BOSS special interest groups across a
£14 million to their customers in the range of topics and industry challenges.
public sector. This is delivered to them YPO are particularly looking forward
in the form of a voucher, which to getting involved with the Single
PO ( was established they can exchange for products Use Plastics and Leaders of the Future
Ynearly five decades ago by local ( interest groups and participating in
government authorities to help YPO’s range now includes around webinars and – more importantly –
combine their buying demands and 30,000 products and 100 frameworks; so BOSS events to take advantage of those
achieve efficiency savings. YPO supply whether it’s pens and paper, computers, excellent networking opportunities.