Page 24 - BOSS Today Issue 55
P. 24
How to minimise workplace negativity and manage chronic complainers
ersistent workplace negativity is a n Make opportunities available for
Pfactor that affects employee morale people to express their opinions about
and drains the energy from a company. workplace policies and procedures.
The effects of negativity divert critical n Treat your employees as trustworthy
attention from work and performance, and operate with fairness and
and have an escalating effect on your consistency.
workforce by infecting departments and n Do not create rules for all employees
eventually teamwork. “You owe it to your when just a few people are violating
Working with a chronic complainer is the norms.
annoying and exhausting. You know the team, your company and n Give people the opportunity to grow
type – nothing pleases them, and they and develop.
find fault in management’s every action yourself to remove toxic n Provide appropriate leadership and
and decision. behaviour from your a strategic framework, including
While chronic complainers seem mission, vision, values and goals.
harmless on the surface, the damage they workplace.” n Provide appropriate rewards and
can cause may become irreparable in the recognition so that people feel their
long run. You owe it to your team, your contribution is being valued.
company and yourself to remove toxic 3. Build a healthy work environment
behaviour from your workplace. It pays to create an environment where Whatever the cause of the workplace
motivated employees are encouraged negativity, the issues it causes must
Steps you can take: and given the freedom to do their best be addressed as a priority. If you let
work. Try to use a direct approach negativity boil beneath the surface
1. Set clear expectations by coaching in order to elicit positive without a resolution, the issues will
Chronic complainers often emerge changes in behaviour. If unsuccessful, potentially cause reputational damage.
in environments where performance move to counselling, which provides Talking to your employees will help
standards and behaviour are poorly clear feedback that this is not acceptable you understand the exact problems
defined, and where no one enforces behaviour and make clear the likely and how these may be impacting your
accountability for actions. If your consequences of failing to stop. Finally, business. Making decisions that may
company has clearly outlined values, demand accountability for behaviour each adversely affect staff without their
make those an integral part of the culture step of the way. If none of this works, it acknowledgment and input or not
of your teams or department. may be time to escalate matters. following lawful procedures may be
perceived as being threatening and give
2. Solicit input and offer timely feedback 4. How to minimize workplace negativity the impression to your employees that
While chronic complainers are crafty at The best way to combat workplace they are being ignored, which could ignite
remaining below the surface and out of negativity is to keep it from occurring in workplace negativity.
earshot of their managers, engaging with the first place. Here are more steps you
all of your team members allows you to can take: For more information, contact your
focus on individuals and behaviours that regional HR Adviser. Contact details can
detract from morale and performance. n Provide opportunities for people be found at
to make decisions about – and control membership-services/human-resources
and influence – their jobs.