Page 21 - BOSS Today Issue 55
P. 21

BOSS Today      #55

          WHO ATTEND THE BOSS                  Extended Producer Responsibility for Packaging (EPR)
          ENVIRONMENTAL FORUM                  We shared the news in our March Lobbying Update that EPR implementation
          IS THAT THEY ARE UNDER               would be delayed. On 26 March the Government published its response to the
                                               consultation and announced that the changes being made to the plans are:
          THEIR CUSTOMERS TO PROVIDE           n   EPR will be implemented in a phased manner from 2024, rather than 2023.
          ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION            n   Modulated feed based on recyclability will be introduced from 2025,
                                                  rather than 2024.
          AND DATA REGARDING                   n   The Packaging Waste Recycling Note (PRN) system will continue.
          PRODUCTS AND THE SUPPLY              n   The threshold for producer recycling obligations and disposal cost payments
                                                 will be maintained (at £2m turnover and 50 tonnes of packaging handled
          CHAIN. FURTHERMORE, THERE              each year). However, a lower threshold of £1m turnover and 25 tonnes of
          IS INCREASING EVIDENCE                 packaging handled each year will be introduced for producers to report
                                                 packaging placed on the market only.
          THAT THIS GROWING INTEREST           n   All compostable and biodegradable packaging will be required to be given the
          IN THE ENVIRONMENT AND                 ‘do not recycle’ label, allowing time to build the evidence that it can be safely
                                                 collected and composted separately.
          SUSTAINABILITY IS ACTIVELY           n    A Scheme Administrator (SA) will be appointed. It will start to mobilise in
          INFLUENCING PURCHASING                 2023 and will be fully operational in 2024. The EPR scheme will be reviewed
          DECISIONS. THE BOSS ROADMAP            after two years of its operation.
          IS AN ESSENTIAL TOOL FOR             You can view the full summary of consultation responses and Government
          ALL IN THE INDUSTRY TO USE           response here.

                                               The BOSS Single Use Plastics
                                               Forum, which was founded
                                               to encourage industry wide
                                               dissemination of agreed plastic
          MARTIN EAMES,                        data field has widened its remit   Plastic Packaging
          CHAIRMAN,                            to an Environmental Forum. It     Tax (PPT)
                                               will still monitor Government,
          BOSS ENVIRONMENTAL                   scientific and market trends with   PPTs have now been in place for
          FORUM                                respect to the manufacture and    almost two months, so we’re
                                               use of plastic but now intends to   keen to hear from you about your
                                               act as a catalyst to educate the   experiences. If you manufacture
                                               industry in best practice across all   or import more than 10 tonnes of
                                               environmental issues. The Forum   plastic in 12 months, and you’re
                                               is chaired by Martin Eames of     therefore having to register, keep
                                               Product Promotion Services, and   additional records, calculate and pay
                                               welcomes all BOSS members from    the tax, please let us know how this
                                               across the supply chain.          is going.

                                               To join the forum or stay updated   If you’re not up to date on what you
                                               on its activities contact         need to do, visit our website for
                                               guidance or contact our partner
                                                                                 BPIF at

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