Page 15 - BOSS Today Issue 55
P. 15
BOSS Today #55
Anna Hemmings, MBE, OLY Richard Boon, MD Webmart Simone Hindmarch, MD Commercial (right)
I’m genuinely excited to see what new job leading the Committee and LOTF support of our strong Committee members,
levels they can take us to. Having two community through the most turbulent along with Amy and the rest of the BOSS
individuals as impressive as Alex and period of its history, and I’m keen to roll my team. I am extremely keen to make a
Rachael leading the Committee for the sleeves up and build upon his success. I hope positive impact with future events and
next two years will be fantastic. I have to bring my enthusiasm and energy for echo Alex’s drive to continue supporting
seen their vision for the future of the this great industry into our future events to our future leaders. We are very open to
Committee, and I can very confidently continue to support our future leaders.” ideas, suggestions and feedback from our
state that any future events – and the future leaders and would love to have some
support we can provide to future leaders volunteers for speakers at future events. We
– will go from strength to strength over strongly encourage you to connect with us
the next two years.” on LinkedIn and to get in touch.”
Hear what our fantastic new
co-chairs have to say
Rachael Lewis, Sales Operations
Director at OT Group, commented:
“I am delighted to be elected as co-Chair
of the Leaders of the Future Committee
with Alex after two years on the Committee
under Scott’s inspiring leadership. Scott has
Alex Stone, Head of Sales at Office navigated us through a very challenging
Friendly commented: period with energy and rigour to overcome
“I’m really humbled and excited to be some major hurdles and continue to inspire
given the opportunity to be co-Chair of the our LOTF community. Alex and I are both
Leaders of the Future Committee alongside very excited about building on Scott’s
Rachael. It’s great to be stepping into fantastic work to drive our contributions
Scott’s shoes, as he has done a fantastic to the industry to a new level with the