Page 18 - BOSS Today Issue 46
P. 18

BOSS Today      #46     SPECIAL FEATURE

           the coffee or vending machine to   responded to this trend by launching   n  Laptops and PCs should be
           encourage workers to move further).  dairy-free products, such as the dairy   secured against theft by the
          n  Varied spaces: workers should be given   alternative instant lattes now available   provision of security locks.
           inducements for active behaviour,   under Nestlé’s NESCAFÉ® GOLD brand.
           so good workplace design should    Furthermore, given that Starbucks'   Finally, the combination of varied
           offer varied spaces, such as private   primary target market is men and   space workplaces and the ongoing
           phone booths or al-fresco terraces.   women aged 25 to 40, it is reported   proliferation of wireless office technology
                                            that, while 60% of coffee consumed at   has driven demand for furniture and
          Warne agrees that providing a     work is still instant product, younger   electrical products that can encompass
          variety of spaces for these workers   workers are bringing their coffee habits   both, as Warne explains: “We see the
          is important: “We find that younger   in from the high street and demanding   key to wireless working as ensuring a
          office workers are looking to be in an   premium coffees from their employers.  comfortable space with access to power
          environment that is flexible, along with                             and connectivity. We have a range of
          having a more fluid way of working.   Other Trends                   power solutions which fit with desking
          We find that younger managers     What other broad trends are driving   and soft seating to allow people to easily
          require stimulating environments   changes in the UK workplace at present?  connect. We also have several ranges
          where they can discuss projects     The ongoing trend towards open plan   of flexible and mobile tables that can
          and then retire to a quieter space to   offices has heightened the need for   allow workers to rearrange their space
          work in a more focussed manner. We   companies to review the design of their   quickly: this way they can set up to work
          support this through our extensive   office environment in the light of the   with others or alone in a shared space.”
          soft seating and desking options.”  advent of GDPR legislation in May 2018.   In short, it seems that, driven by
           Again, this is fortunately not markedly   Since Personal Identifiable Data (PID) –   ongoing demographic, technological,
          different to the varied workspaces that   such as names, address, email, phone,   environmental and legal changes,
          we identified earlier for older workers.  etc – can exist both on paper and on   the UK workplace will continue to
                                            screen, there are a number of options   evolve, resulting in a widening variety
          What’s Hot In The Office?         that companies need to consider to   of spaces employers should offer in
          Perhaps one departure point between   ensure that their offices are protecting   order to attract and retain staff.
          the needs of the different age groups   the security of all of these formats:
          is the provision of hot beverages at                                 Martin Wilde – the author of this article -
          work. PG Tips and Lipton brands' owner   n  Lockable filing cabinets and boxes   is Managing Director of OP market research
          Unilever are reportedly struggling   should be provided to store PID and   specialists Martin Wilde Associates Ltd
          to grow their black tea brands in   need to be locked where necessary.  (
          western markets like the UK, because   n  Doors of any private offices containing
          Generation Z and Millennial consumers   personal data also need to be lockable
          much prefer high end herbal teas and   and be locked where necessary.
          coffees instead. Indeed, according   n  The risk of unauthorised staff
          to research firm Kantar, purchases   overlooking computer screens showing
          of black tea have fallen by 2.7% over   PID can be addressed by: installing
          the last two years, while demand    privacy screen filters; situating and
          has risen for other types of tea, with   angling screens away from high-
          herbal teas now worth £52m and cold   traffic areas and encouraging staff
          infusions being valued at £11.2m.   to implement a clean desk policy
           One reason for the fall in black tea   and to shut down and password-
          demand is that many younger people   protect their devices when not in use.
          are trying to reduce their intake of dairy   Stacey reports that “Data security
          products, amid concerns about the   has meant that there has been a
          industry's impact on the environment.   greater opportunity for screen filter
          While it is claimed that alternatives to   placements throughout organisations,
          cow’s milk – such as soy or almond milk   not just within customer contact
          – can make black tea thicker or more   areas. Everyone should now have a
          watery, some coffee producers have   screen filter, as far as I am concerned.”

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