Page 15 - BOSS Today Issue 46
P. 15


         VARIETY IS

         THE SPICE OF…


          It seems that while UK office environments are changing for the better, there is still some way to go.

             hile UK workers are now reported   differences in requirements by age   another research study entitled
          Wto be happier with their office   group is an interesting one, because   Welcoming Workplace by Jeremy
          environment than ever before, the   there is no doubt that the UK workforce   Myerson, the Director of the Helen
          findings of a recent study by estate   is ageing. In 1992, one in five people in   Hamlyn Centre For Design, found that
          agents Savills, entitled What Workers   employment was aged over 50; today,   “the challenges faced by older workers –
          Want: Europe 2019, reveal that many   around a third of the UK workforce   noise, distraction, frustrating IT systems,
          office workers still believe that   is over the age of 50. Indeed, the   general discomfort and a dispiriting
          their office design is in fact actively   percentage of workers aged 65 and   lack of wellbeing – were precisely those
          hindering their productivity:     over has doubled in the last decade, and   shared by people of all ages working in
                                            this trend is set to intensify in future.   large, modern, open plan offices. It isn't
          n 32% of all workers say that their   Average retirement ages (currently 64.5   just older workers who crave quiet and
           workplace’s internal design/layout   years for men and 62.0 years for women)   privacy when they want to concentrate
           decreases their productivity:    have steadily increased over the past   on solo tasks – or dedicated tools and
           interestingly, this rises to 45% of   decade: falling annuity rates, the closure   spaces for collaboration when they want
           those who work for an employer   of generous defined benefit pension   to work in a team – everybody does.”
           with a hot desking policy.       schemes and planned pension reforms   Vanessa Warne, Category Director for
          n 73% of office workers based in an open   have all provided strong financial   Furniture of VOW, agrees: “The needs of
           plan office say that the internal design/  reasons against early retirement for   older office workers are similar or the
           layout decreases their productivity: this   all but the wealthiest workers.  same as that of younger office workers
           is are more than twice the proportion   Furthermore, the stark economic   and therefore can easily be incorporated
           of those based in a private office.  truth is that, unless a higher proportion   into an inclusive environment. It is
          n 60% of office workers still want to   of older people remains in the labour   somewhat a myth that older workers
           have their own dedicated desk. There is   force, total employment growth in the   are less technologically-capable,
           very little variation in this requirement   UK will slow, with adverse implications   given that we have been working with
           between age groups, exploding the   for overall economic output. As a result,   computers for more than three decades,
           myth that younger workers are    employers will need to make work more   and we see older workers as crucial
           more prepared to work flexibly.  attractive and feasible for older workers   to the growth of the UK economy.”
                                            and adapt their working practices and   The Helen Hamlyn Centre
          What Older Workers Want           workplaces to manage and support them.  research identified three key spaces
          The point about there being few     How can this be done? Interestingly,   within workplaces to facilitate

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