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BOSS Today #46 NEWS
Great oaks from little acorns grow…
hat started off in 2008 as a simple Carbon Capture logos, regular updates, Country Park. Pip Borrill, Head of
Widea to give businesses the choice certificates that detail the amount Partnerships at the Woodland Trust,
to mitigate the CO2 emissions from the of CO2 captured, brochures, posters, commented: “The Woodland Trust would
paper that they buy has blossomed into email campaigns and much more. like to say a huge ‘Thank You’ to Premier
Carbon Capture now being a market- Premier’s Group Marketing Director, Paper for its support. To have raised £1
leading environmental initiative. David Jones, remarked, “The most million for the UK’s woods and trees is
November 2019 saw over 530 of rewarding thing for me is that a seed a massive achievement and is making
Premier’s customers now fully signed of a simple idea that developed whilst a tangible, positive impact on the
up to Carbon Capture, while the total walking in my local Woodland Trust environment. Planting trees has never
sum raised by the programme has now woodland has now grown into a market- been more important, and Premier’s
surpassed an incredible £1,000,000. leading environmental initiative, support has allowed us to create almost
Premier Paper claim that 100% of positioning Premier as the Woodland 150 hectares of new native woodland.
the funds collected from the Carbon Trust’s number one carbon partner. These trees have a vital role to play in
Capture initiative are paid directly The Carbon Capture programme has fighting climate change and providing
to the Woodland Trust to help plant now planted 240,000 native trees, a much-needed habitat for wildlife.”
native woodland trees in the UK. created 150 hectares of new native
Through Carbon Capture, Premier British woodland and captured 60,000
Paper offer their customers and their tonnes of CO2, all thanks to our
customers’ clients the opportunity to customers who have committed to the
mitigate the CO2 emissions from their initiative. What is also very pleasing is
product purchases by planting new that the number of customers signing
native woodland in the UK with the up to Carbon Capture continues to
Woodland Trust – and, by doing so, grow, so we already have our eyes
demonstrate their environmental values firmly fixed on our next milestone.”
to all stakeholders. Carbon Capture Premier Paper were presented with
customers have access to a wealth of a commemorative Award at the Trust’s
marketing support, including unique recent tree planting day in Shipley