Page 9 - BOSS Today Issue 46
P. 9

NEWS      BOSS Today      #46

                                                                                           Reporting on the
                                                                                       recent events in the
                                                                                   office supplies industry




            ccording to the mental health charity   big ‘thank you’. If it wasn’t for their   retailing or the dealer community in
         AMind, one in four of us in the UK will   financial aid, we don’t know how we   the UK business supplies industry.
         experience a mental health problem each   would have survived, because Tracy has   If you – or someone you know – is
         year, with one in six of us experiencing   long-term mental health issues and I   in need of assistance, please call 01924
         anxiety and depression. For those with   had recently lost my job after a long-  203338 or visit www.bossfederation.
         chronic mental health conditions, it is   term sickness which I am still suffering   com/boss-business-supplies-charity.
         extremely difficult to stay in work.   from. Not only did the Charity help us
           Tracy had worked for an envelope   financially, but also emotionally, as   For more information about mental
         manufacturer in the north west for   the worry of falling behind with rent,   health issues visit
         several years before becoming poorly   Council Tax and other bills had been
         with anxiety and panic attacks and   playing heavily on our minds, causing
         ultimately felt unable to continue   a lot of lost sleep at night and worry
         working. Tracy and her husband     throughout the day. So, once again,
         Ken, who also has health problems,   thank you, BOSS Business Supplies
         started to get behind with the bills   Charity, from all of our family.”
         and turned to the BOSS Business      Tracy has recently started
         Supplies Charity for help. The couple   working with a friend for a few
         now receive a quarterly grant to help   hours a week to gently transition
         them keep on top of their finances.  back into the workplace.
           Ken and Tracy are really grateful for   The BOSS Business Supplies
         the help that the Charity gives. Says   Charity gives help to those who
         Ken, “Tracy and I would like to give the   are - or ever have been - employed
         BOSS Business Supplies Charity a great   in manufacturing, wholesaling,

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