Page 4 - BOSS Today Issue 46
P. 4

Carbon Capture
            BOSS Today      #46     INTRODUCTION                                                                                                                                                                                    ®

                                                                                                                              Busin ss is b tt r with tr  s

         CELEBRATING                                                                                                                                         A unique low cost
                                                                                                                                                              programme for
                                                                                                                                                               you and your
                                                                                                                                                              customers that
         AND HELPING                                                                                                                                         creates woodland
                                                                                                                                                              here in the UK

                                                                                                                                                                                                                       A tangible
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    demonstration of
          BOSS Federation CEO Amy Hutchinson is in reflective mood…                                                                                                                                                 your company’s

           n this issue we are celebrating the   of individuals who can support each   to worthy winners on the 28th of                                                                                             approach to the
          Iindustry’s finest. We'll take a look   other throughout their careers, whether   November. Head to pages 12-14 to hear
          at the sterling work that the BOSS   through peer to peer advice, by being   from the three individuals who took                                                                                            environment
          Business Supplies Charity continues   exposed to new thinking or having   home our Professional and Emerging
          to do supporting those in need in our   a chance to learn from those in the   Professional of Year Awards – it's
          sector and investigate the recent trends   industry who have already excelled.   great to read about their passion for
          in UK workplaces. As always, we're also   It's clear that strong networks make us   the industry and how they have shaped
          keeping you up to date with business   smarter and more knowledgeable and   their careers within it. Once again,
          advice and key industry events.   there is incredible value in being able to   congratulations to Steve Hilleard, OPI,                                                         Plant trees with
           I'm delighted to welcome both    tap into the collective experience of a   the winner of the 2019 BOSS Outstanding                                                            your customers
          Dynamic Office Solutions and Coast to   group of trusted peers. The 50 attendees,   Achievement Award. Martin Wilde                                                           and stakeholders
          Coast into membership and it was great   representing the whole supply chain,   interviews him on how he 'connects the                                                            on our tree
          to see both companies represented at   took full advantage of the opportunity   business products world' on page 23.                                                            planting days
          BOSS events recently. Matt Stanley,   to debate and discuss with industry   It's interesting to see in our special
          Sales Director at Coast to Coast, is     leaders the key issues that are   feature on workplace design (pages
          an active member of our Leaders           affecting our sector. Many   15-22) that 32% of workers say
          of the Future Committee (page              thanks to those generous   their workplace layout is decreasing
          7) and is one of the team who               industry leaders who gave up   their productivity. Hear about the
          helped to create our 'Industry               their time on the day. Read   products and services that our                Certifications
          Leaders Meet Future Leaders'                 more about it on page 11.  members are finding profitable                    to show CO
          event, which was a resounding                  The BOSS Industry     as a result of these trends.                                     2
          success in November. Our                     Awards exist to celebrate   This New Year we are looking to                  captured and
          intention was to create an                    those companies and    further develop BOSS's offering to                    new native
          event which facilitated                          individuals in our   ensure that we are doing all we can                  woodland                                                                          For further
          engagement between                                industry who are   to support our dynamic and vibrant                      created                                                                     information email
          senior executives in                              excelling by doing   sector. Our resolution is to make sure                                                                                 
          the industry and                                  things differently and   that we continue to listen to you,
          the 'Leaders of                                   making a positive   our members, as well as to the wider
          the Future'. The                                   contribution to   industry. So, please, if there is a way
          LoTF Committee                                     our sector. We    we can support you, do get in touch!
          are hoping to                                     were delighted to
          build a network                                   present the awards   I wish you all a prosperous and successful 2020.

                                                                                                                          Carbon Capture fp ad 10-19.indd   1                                                                        23/10/2019   20:22
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