Page 14 - BOSS Today Issue 38
P. 14




           redit for success in business often – perhaps understandably – goes to the leaders of organisations, but the hard work that goes in to delivering
       Cthe results on the ground can go unrecognised. These winners of the new BOSS Unsung Hero Award work at the sharp end of their businesses,
       and demonstrate an outstanding level of commitment to getting the job done.

       Anita Glithero: Acco       for Brother UK for 20 years,   scheme. Each month he visits   by HSM (Office Technology)
       Brands                     starting as a Product Technical   local schools to help pupils   in the UK.  In 2006 he became
       Anita has been with Acco for   Support Executive and working   understand how businesses   National Sales Manager with
       39 years and is currently a Key   his way up to his current role of   operate and what they should   responsibility for managing three
       Account Manager, responsible   Head of Product Management.   expect when they start working.   Area Managers and national
       for looking after the company’s   From the very beginning of                      wholesalers, contract stationers
       larger dealers in the south of   his long career with Brother,   Gill Peart: Stewart Superior  and internet dealers, and in 2014
       the UK, driving sales to them   he has acquired a plethora   Gill has been Sales Administrator   he was appointed as National
       through the wholesalers. She   of knowledge, built a strong   at Stewart Superior for 27 years.   Key Account Manager, focussed
       also deals with the dealer groups.  rapport with his peers and   “Gill has just been one of my   on working with HSM’s national
         Anita is an expert on    developed a strong set of   closest people for all that time”,   contract stationer and internet
       the features, benefits and   skills, including problem   says Managing Director Geoffrey   accounts.
       functionality of the company’s   solving, initiative thinking   Betts, “She’s helped me build   Throughout his career at
       products, as David Richardson,   and communication. Says MD   the company from nothing.   HSM, Barry has shown great
       Country Manager, UK & Ireland   Phil Jones “Andy is now a very   She is completely dedicated   leadership, growing the business
       for Acco Brands, explains: “Anita   well-respected leader within   and reliable and has a fabulous   with major accounts and
       is the absolute ‘go to’ lady.   Brother; a truly exceptional   relationship with the customers.   assisting colleagues to provide
       She will tell you off by heart   person with a major influence   Gill would help anybody at any   customers with security solutions
       the history of each and every   within the business and an   time to do anything. If there is   that will fulfil their requirements
       product: how long it’s been in   inspiration to all of us. He is a   ever a problem, she will always   in the most economic manner.
       the market; where it’s made; who   great manager and team player   step in and help out. She will   One example of this is the work
       buys it… she’s really into the   who is always willing to help his   always go that extra mile.”  he has done with HSM dealers
       detail. She’s also a completer/  colleagues: many individuals   Gill’s total commitment to the   supplying Frimley Park Hospital,
       finisher in that she will see a task   have been successfully mentored   company is demonstrated by   who previously spent £30k per
       right through to the very end   through Andy’s leadership and   her determination to come in to   year on shredding services.  He
       in micro detail and will often   have progressed their careers   work, even when so ill that she   sold them an HSM Powerline
       spot issues that other people   throughout the organisation.   is then sent home! Says Betts,   SP5088 shredder/baler for £30k
       wouldn’t, simply because of her   Andy is a person that everyone   “If nobody will open up, she   and in the first year also saved
       knowledge of the industry.”  can consult and feel supported   will come in early; she will work   them another £5k by selling
         Anita also has strong    by.  His “can do” attitude and   until it’s done; if she is going on   the shredded data to recycling
       relationships with customers,   positive approach makes us feel   holiday, she will stay until 8pm to   companies.  Since then, their
       many of whom she has known   that possibilities are endless.”  get stuff done. She never leaves   annual saving has been £30k
       for many years, and where she is   Andy has also showed true   you in the lurch.”  plus an income of £5k, which
       well known and well respected.  community spirit within the                       they can use to employ an
                                  local borough, attending mock   Barry Robbins: HSM     additional nurse.
       Andy Johnson: Brother UK   interviews, mentoring sessions   In June 2000, Barry was the first   Barry’s BOSS Unsung Hero
       Andy Johnson has now worked   and being part of the mentoring   Sales Manager to be appointed   Award is particularly well timed

       14  BOSS TODAY | December 2017/January 2018
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