Page 12 - BOSS Today Issue 38
P. 12


       Brand Manufacturer of the Year       Dealer Excellence (under £5m)        Dealer Excellence (over £5m)
       Winner: Fellowes                     Winner: Tangent Office Resources     Winner: Codex
       Fellowes’ submission displayed a very   The winning entry showed all the classic   Codex were chosen because of their
       well thought out campaign outlining the   hallmarks of a quality dealer: great   overall impact on their market, the range
       goals and objectives to judges very clearly,   customer care, enthusiasm for and   of new initiatives, their connection
       additionally showing clear understanding   knowledge about the products and the   with both their customers and their
       of the size and potential of the target   use of that to offer a truly personal service   community and their outstanding
       market, which was well supported     which customers come back for time   leadership.
       through the figures. The campaign was   and time again. A family business that
       also shown to have been well executed   is a typical example of what makes the
       with substantial initial investment seeing   independent dealer special.
       very impressive returns.

       eBusiness                            Initiative of the Year               New Product of the Year - Business
       Winner: Paperstone                   Winner: Staedtler                    Winner: Ultralight Staging System -
       The judges were highly impressed with   Performing well across all the judging   Gopak
       Paperstone’s well written submission   criteria, Staedtler were felt to have   A UK-manufactured product which was
       on their website optimisation project,   elongated the product marketing   well made, practical and appealing to
       which clearly met the brief for this   lifecycle in a competitive market while   new markets such as education and
       award. Their well-planned approach   generating profit and sales across all areas   conference rooms needing portable
       to improving their CRO (Conversion   of the supply chain. Staedtler cleverly   staging. It was positioned at an accessible
       Rate Optimisation) included scientific   used social media and events to drive   price point, with a range of other
       testing and measurement. As a result,   up employee engagement and brand   additional products also being available
       they identified a series of enhancements   advocacy. The judges particularly liked   for customers with larger requirements.
       and improvements which, when         the use of the artist which helped build
       implemented, produced a 240% increase   the brand of the product and customer
       in conversion rates, with a £600k    purchasing.
       improvement in margins from a £50k
       investment in year one.

       12  BOSS TODAY | December 2017/January 2018
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