Page 15 - BOSS Today Issue 38
P. 15

as he is due to retire on 31st   support to any team member,   afraid to be in the minority when   Country Manager, UK & Ireland
       January 2018.              even if this means working extra   challenging decisions and for   for Acco Brands, “Julie networks
                                  hours to do her own job.”   standing up for what is right.  As   exceptionally well and the sheer
       Liza Rudge: Hamelin          Indeed, such is the wide   Purchasing Director at Nemo,   number of people she supports
       Brands Ltd                 appreciation of the support   Tina is very encouraging and   within her customer profile is not
       Liza Rudge has worked for   given by Liza that as many as 37   develops the younger members   sufficiently recognised. Each of
       Hamelin Brands for eight years   of her colleagues signed their   of the team, always being   the 500 sales reps at Lyreco has
       as Materials Manager, having   support of her nomination.  there for anyone who needs   her phone number and relies on
       previously been the Purchasing                         assistance. Vendors like her   her on a day to day basis for sales
       Manager for an office furniture   Tina Russell: Nemo Group  honest negotiation style and she   advice, sampling and customer
       supplier.                  Tina Russell is currently the   has helped many vendors new   visits. She accompanies them
         Says Hamelin’s MD Philip   Purchasing Director of Nemo   to our industry to find their way.    out to various end-users
       Beer, “Liza is at the heart of our   Group, having been at Nemo for   She is like a Rolodex of contacts   to show them how to sell
       supply chain and there is almost   14 years, starting as Purchasing   and has a great memory for   everything from a lever arch
       nothing she is not involved in.   Manager. Previously, she was   people, which really sets her   file to a shredder. She is also
       She is regularly first in to open   the Purchasing Co-ordinator at   apart.”      an expert in developing sales
       the office at 6:30am and will   Advantia for over three years,   Tina is particularly valued   and opportunities within our
       stay late whenever necessary.   and the Financial Controller of   as being people-focused and   retail customers, which is quite
       Liza has huge experience   Costs Consortium for 11 years.  always acts to help those who   a different role from dealing
       and understanding of all our   Says Nemo’s MD, Tim     are in need: in 2016, having   with B2B customers. Whenever
       processes, products and SAP   Beaumont: “Tina is a very well   received news from a colleague   we host a customer event, Julie
       system and this – coupled with   known, highly intelligent lady,   who was diagnosed with cancer,   the person who acts as the host,
       her intelligence and wisdom,   who is a stalwart of our industry   Tina organised and assisted with   looking after our customers until
       as well as her fantastic daily   and a true unsung hero, selflessly   a holiday for them as a sign of   the very end of the day.
       demonstration of our core   giving up her own time for the   support.               Very recently, Julie worked
       values of detail, ambition, team   good of the industry. She is                   with one of the corporate
       playing, personal commitment   a Freeman of the Worshipful   Julie Yates: Acco Brands  Account Managers at Lyreco
       and enthusiasm for change –   Company of Stationers and was   Julie joined Esselte’s marketing   to secure an enormous order
       makes her stand out. She was   one of the first women to join   department over ten years ago,   for overprinted luggage for a
       a key player in our successful   the Old Friends in 2001, being   focusing on the retail customers,   large end-user. She needed
       SAP integration and triple   later elected onto the committee   and then moved in to sales,   to get under the skin of all of
       accreditation of ISO 9001, 14001   because of her wisdom, logic,   where she looked after the   our processes and change a
       and 18001 and is also the leader   common sense, and obvious   contract stationers and retailers   lot of what we did internally
       of our Investors In People group.   dedication. She works tirelessly   for most of her career.  Her   throughout the supply chain
       Liza is always looking for ways   as its Honorary Secretary, being   current role as National Account   in order to fulfil the kind of
       to improve what we do as a   renowned for her meticulous   Manager at Acco is very similar.  bespoke order we had never
       business and offers help and   attention to detail, for not being   Says David Richardson,   achieved before in Europe.”

                                                                                     December 2017/January 2018 | BOSS TODAY  15
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