Page 16 - BOSS Today Issue 38
P. 16

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       A review of the BOSS “Gem Of A
       Relationship” Conference.

          he morning of the 30th   our social media takes a lot   Digital Services
       TNovember was cold and     of time and effort, Spence   Director of
       clear on the banks of the   encouraged us not to waste   Focus7 International, to pick   With the planned final
       Thames in London, but there   that time by ensuring that we   up the theme after the lunch   speaker Tony Dimech becoming
       had been reports of ice and   are measuring its effectiveness   break by looking both at “The   unavailable through illness,
       snow in the northern parts   by establishing goals and   Opportunities & Threats Of   BOSS CEO Phil Lawson once
       of Britain. This could perhaps   analytics: “Did that Tweet lead   Social Media” and “How To   again stepped in to deliver
       be the reason why not all of   to someone filling in a form on   Manage Your CRM System   at very short notice the final
       the 128 delegates who had   your personal contact page?”,   More Effectively”. Cook began   presentation, entitled “Future-
       registered to attend made   she asked.                 by identifying the three major   Proofing Your Relationships
       it in time for BOSS CEO Phil   Dominic Wing (Higher    threats of social media as its   And What That Means For Our
       Lawson’s welcome.          & Degree Apprenticeship     improper use for marketing,   Industry”. In essence, Lawson
         Lawson introduced the    Manager at BPIF) and        lack of clear guidelines/tone of   explored how interpersonal
       theme of the “Gem Of A     Graham Curtis (a trained    voice and reputational damage.   relationships evolve with the
       Relationship” Conference – the   police negotiator) together   However, he believed that these   changing nature of society
       strengths that dealers have in   covered “How To Improve Your   threats were far outweighed by   and technology. Focussing on
       their close relationships with   Negotiation Skills”. Using a   the opportunities CRM created,   the extraordinary growth of
       customers – and it was clear   variety of interactive methods   such as its ‘endless’ brand reach   the power and prevalence of
       that all four of the subsequent   - including online polls and   and its ability to help manage   technology, Lawson explained
       presentations were designed to   role playing exercises – they   the customer lifecycle. This of   that this affects our own
       address different aspects of this   explained that people will often   course led directly into Cook’s   development and behaviour
       in a very modern context.  make decisions on factors other   discussion on CRM, which he   and that our work rules are
         Tracy Spence, Sales &    than pure economics (such   described as “the hub where   now changing. The “Fourth
       Marketing Direct at M3     as the principle of fairness) or   you store your most valuable   Industrial Revolution” – the
       Strategic Marketing, was first   even logic, and that it was vital   assets”. Acknowledging that   brave new world of cyber-
       up, looking at “How To Build   to always consider this. They   CRM can be seen as a chore   physical systems, artificial
       Your Personal Brand Online”.   reminded us that negotiation   and can contain incorrect or   intelligence, the internet of
       Opening by reminding us that   was a skill that can be learned   unverified data, Cook explained   things and big data – was on
       customers make business    and improved and that initial   that – implemented correctly   our doorstep, he explained,
       decisions based on their   preparation was a key success   - it helped to align sales and   and these advances could be
       perceptions of people, and   factor, as was ‘give and take’   marketing to achieve the   harnessed by agile dealers and
       that – as a result - there was a   and the understanding that   ‘perfect customer journey’.   cyber salespeople. Lawson
       vital inter-relationship between   any negotiation must recognise   He showed how CRM can   concluded by encouraging
       personality and brand success,   that future interactions with   support marketing efforts by   dealers to increasingly focus
       she explained that if we built   the customer or supplier would   segmenting data to personalise   on selling their customers
       our personal brand wisely and   always be likely. Illustrating   marketing, automating lead   not just products but also
       in concert with our business   these points, Curtis talked us   nurturing, recycling sales   advice – such as cyber security,
       brand, it would benefit both us   through a real life example of   leads and securing upsell   DSE healthchecks and space
       and our companies. “We must   an aeroplane hijack hostage   opportunities. Cook finished   optimisation – in order to
       ensure that what we present   negotiation that he had been   by warning us that with GDPR   become “trusted productivity
       online is what our customers   involved in, and explained   on its way it is now even more   advisors.”
       perceive us to be,” she    that creative thinking,     important that we get our    The delegates had plenty
       explained, “Make sure that your   teamwork and – most of all   data right, because “if we do   of time and opportunity to
       LinkedIn profile is exceptional   – empowerment were vital   something wrong, the fine is   consider and discuss these and
       – Google tells us that it’s really   elements in any successful   large. Make sure you’ve got   the other challenges from the
       important to get this right!”.   negotiator’s toolkit.  your permissions right and   day before the Awards Dinner
       Acknowledging that managing   It was given to James Cook,   have got your data in order!”   that evening.


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