Page 19 - BOSS Today Issue 38
P. 19

Mark Harper, Head of Sales Office
                   Technology UK + Ireland, HSM

                   What kind of growth rates are   data - for example HR and Finance   to do. A shredder can be a
                   shredders seeing in 2017 and   departments - are now starting to   commodity product that can be
                   what is driving this?       look at P-5 security machines.    sold off a catalogue page or a web
                   Our sales are up on last year, partially                 site with very little input or product
                   because we have increased the   What innovations are currently   knowledge, but with a bewildering
                   size of our team working directly   occurring in the shredders sector?  array of products available, often
                   with dealers, as well as sales of our   We have new machines with   this can end up with a customer
                   industrial shredders and shredder   frequency-controlled induction   choosing the wrong machine for
                   balers having almost doubled over   motors (“digital motors”): these are   their needs. However, by giving
                   last year: we have put a lot of work   quieter and more energy-efficient,   good knowledgeable advice or
                   into helping our dealers attack the   but also more powerful. They   selling the benefits of shredding
                   shredding services market. The   allow you to have three levels of   as a data protection solution
                   installation of a £20-30K shredder/  performance: standard, performance   that supports GDPR compliance,
                   baler will typically pay back in less   (in which you can process paper   particularly to larger customers,
                   than 12 months in environments   around 40% faster) and a silent   there can be substantial rewards.
                   where organisations are spending   mode.  In addition, they are much
                   thousands a year on shredding   less likely to jam.      What support can you give
                   services, with these machines                            dealers to help them sell
                   typically lasting eight to ten years   What expectations for the   shredders effectively?
                   plus in a high volume environment.    shredders sector do you have for   We now have three people in
                   We have had particular success   2018?                   our sales team supporting the
                   with this approach in the healthcare   Our main focus will be on reaching   dealer channel, giving them
                   sector.                     more dealers where we don’t yet   good pre-sales support in terms
                                               have a presence and increasing our   of product and data protection
                   Which subcategories are showing   market share.  We will also continue   education. We will also support
                   the most growth in 2017 and   to keep the momentum going in the   them by accompanying them on
                   why?                        top end machine sector. We predict   customer appointments, giving
                   Because of the run up to GDPR we   that GDPR will be an ongoing factor   demonstrations and offering
                   are seeing an increased interest   in driving higher value, higher   trial machines if a big deal is
                   in P-5 level security machines. Of   security sales.     a possibility. We can use the
                   course, a standard P-4 cross cut                         expertise of my team working
                   shred is pretty secure. However,   Why should dealers get involved   alongside the dealer, which also
                   people who are handling particularly   in selling shredders?  helps the dealer to improve their
                   sensitive personal or financial   It depends what a dealer wants   own capabilities

                     HSM Securio P40i                           HSM SP5088

                                                                                     December 2017/January 2018 | BOSS TODAY  19
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