Page 23 - BOSS Today Issue 38
P. 23


       IN REVIEW

                                                                    2018 IN ANTICIPATION

       The last BOSS Today of 2017   face of Brexit, currency erosion,   “I’m astounded how many people   “The pace at which IT distribution
       offers an opportunity to reflect   constantly-changing market   still worry about Amazon, but   companies continued to
       on the year that is passing and   demands and an increasingly   have no Amazon strategy!”  grow.  The extent to which EOS
       to look ahead to 2018, so we   competitive landscape was to be   - David Langdown  distribution was cannibalised by
       asked ten BOSS Board members:  celebrated:                                        MPS suppliers.”
                                                              This kind of lack of positive   - Phil Lawson
       n Philip Beer: Managing    “Despite the challenges of a   response to changes in market
         Director, Hamelin Brands Ltd  declining traditional market,   conditions was echoed by a   2. What opportunities can you
       n David Langdown: Sales    there is still the resilience of the   number of respondents:  see for the UK market in 2018?
         and Marketing Director,   players to survive: one or two I   “The ‘relatively’ slow response   In general, all of the Board
         Focus7International      would not have bet on!”     to the need to list/promote/  members were fairly positive
       n Steve Haworth: Group CEO,   - Philip Beer            market new products from new   about the year ahead, which a
         EVO Group                                            categories.  There is still a large   small number felt was likely to
       n Geoff Betts: Managing    In terms of the “biggest threat”,   emphasis on traditional products   be less tumultuous:
         Director, Stewart Superior   a few Board members perhaps   that are suffering the effects of
         Europe Ltd               inevitably mentioned the speed   digitisation.”        “I get the feeling that the market is
       n Rob Jenkins: Finance Director,   at which Amazon has grown, the   - Sean Starkey  beginning to settle down, maybe
         Integra Business Solutions Ltd  company’s ambitions for future                  at a lower base than before, but
       n Simon Drakeford: CEO, EO   growth and its effect on industry   “In a declining and disrupted   definitely settling… I am optimistic
         Group                    product ranges:             market, I’d expect to see more   in as far there may be less
       n Luke Chapman: Head of                                speed in consolidation, changes   turmoil out there and once again
         Business Development,    “Amazon’s incredible success in   in ‘go-to-market’ strategy and   companies can focus on growth.”
         Europe, Highlands Group  the business products space at the   market structure. Whilst resellers   - Geoff Betts
       n Phil Lawson: CEO, BOSS   expense of key industry players.    have been quick to expand their
         Federation               However, they have certainly in   assortment of products and   The vast majority saw 2018
       n Mark Knibbs: Managing    effect grown the market in long tail   services, we need to embrace   primarily as an opportunity for
         Director, The Pilot Pen   product and wider assortments as   further structural streamlining   further diversification into new
         Company (UK) Ltd         well.”                      and de-duplication of cost and   products and – particularly –
       n Sean Starkey: Managing   - Sean Starkey              effort in the market to continue   services:
         Director, Durable UK Ltd                             to thrive.”
                                  However, two were additionally   - Steve Haworth       “The best dealers in the UK
       to give their views on four key   surprised at some of the wider                  are completely customer and
       questions about the OP industry   results of Amazon’s growth:  However, a couple felt that   service focused, and these are
       and the role of BOSS within it.                        much of the industry had been   the ones who will dominate the
                                  “The growing pains that Amazon   able to shift the mix away from   market. They offer total solutions
       1. What has surprised you   has experienced and the impact   core OP, although one believed   from delivery of the milk and
       about the UK business      those have had on some of its   that encroachment in office   newspapers to the cleaning
       supplies market in 2017?   vendors. The extent to which dealers   products sales was coming from   contracts, utilities, building
       For most, the continued    are willing to trade with Amazon.”  outside the industry:  maintenance, vending supplies,
       resilience of the industry in the   - Phil Lawson                                 waste collection and recycling.

                                                                                     December 2017/January 2018 | BOSS TODAY  23
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