Page 9 - BOSS Today Issue 38
P. 9



           lthough people move    Society of Old Friends way   and a remarkable roll call of
       Abetween companies,        back in 1909. They set aside   guest speakers. These were
       they often stay in the office   their respective roles to meet   often well-known authors,
       products industry for a long   regularly and share a spirit   like HG Wells, JB Priestley
       time. So, never knowing where   of camaraderie and good   and Dorothy L Sayers, and   Friends is still going strong,
       the supplier, customer or   fellowship.               this literary association has   with members from every part
       competitor they are dealing   Initially, they would meet   continued with, amongst   of the industry, all attracted by
       with today may pop up      informally in pubs, the first   others, John Buchan, Barbara   the unique atmosphere that
       tomorrow, people tend to   being the Clachan Inn in Kingly   Cartland and Jeffrey Archer.   allows for serious networking,
       build good relationships and -   Street, West London, and it was   But guests have come from all   combined with great social
       before we know it - we realise   this pub that gave its name to   walks of life: comedy, sport,   events – read about our latest
       how many old friends we have   all of the Society’s subsequent   TV, music, politics, drama,   event on the opposite page.
       around us.                 informal get-togethers, now   exploration… the list of guests   Why not get involved? If
         It was this principle that   known as Clachans.     now features over 200 of the   you’d like to know more about,
       encouraged a group of        The Old Friends also meet   great achievers of the last   or join, the Old Friends, visit
       stationers, wholesalers and   for formal dinners, occasions   century.           www.thesocietyofoldfriends.
       book sellers to create The   marked out by excellent dining   Today, The Society of Old


                                  reminded of the BOSS Charity   doing much better at school.   you’d like to help people from
                                  when I went to the Turn 2 Us   The BOSS Charity really helped   our industry who are in need,
                                  website looking for help. Before   us; it’s made all the difference,”   why not get involved? Look
                                  giving up work to look after   says Emma.             out for our new fundraising
                                  my son, I’d previously had sales   The BOSS Business Supplies   website in the New Year, where
          mma’s 15 year old son has   roles with two office supplies   Charity supported 172   you’ll be able make your
       Ebeen struggling to get to   companies. I was so relieved   beneficiaries last year, so if   donation.
       school. Nothing too odd in   when the BOSS Charity said it
       that, you may think, but the   could help us, because my
       problem was that he actually   son’s school attendance
       wanted to go to school. After   was becoming worrying.”
       suffering from glandular fever   The BOSS Business
       last year, along with other   Supplies Charity made a
       health issues, finding the   one-off grant to help pay
       energy for the long walk before   for a new car and now
       a full school day was daunting.  Emma’s son’s attendance
         Emma’s car was beyond    record at school has
       repair and, as a single parent   greatly improved. “I was
       who’s been out of work for a   calling in very often to
       while, finding the cash to buy a   say he wouldn’t be
       new one was unimaginable.   coming in because I
         Then, Emma approached The   couldn’t get him there, but
       BOSS Business Supplies Charity.  now we are mobile, I can
         Emma explains: “I was    get to my new job and he’s

                                                                                      December 2017/January 2018 | BOSS TODAY  9
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