Page 9 - BOSS Today Issue 51
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BOSS Today      #51

          SESSION 1:             SESSION 2:             SESSION 3:             SESSION 4:
          Richard Sinclair       Kelly de Silva         Mandy Baker            Jack Milner

           ollowing a year of businesses being   Tom Dickinson, Sales Director from OSI,   SESSION 3:
          Fforced to react at speed to the   shared his emotive journey on mental   Mental Wellbeing
          COVID-19 pandemic, the BOSS LOTF   wellbeing and the path he has taken to be   Mandy Baker, Chief Happiness
          committee curated another fantastic   where he is today.  He also talked about   Officer, Baker Labels
          virtual event on 2 February 2021. Three   the effects social media can have on   Mandy hosted an interactive roundtable
          keynote speakers, four roundtable   mental health.                   session on mental wellbeing.
          debates and two industry panels     The conference also held four intimate
          entertained over 100 attendees from   roundtable debates: delegates had the   SESSION 4:
          amongst the industry’s young talent.   chance to discuss the following topics in   Presenting Yourself Virtually
           Scott Castle (VOW Wholesale) and   small groups, each led by an expert host,   Jack Milner, Presentation Coach
          Hannah Thomson (OT Group) set the tone   before joining together to share their   Jack ran an interesting roundtable
          from the beginning, welcoming everyone   findings:                   session, showing attendees how they
          to the conference for what promised to                               can best present themselves in a virtual
          be an engaging, informative and inspiring   SESSION 1:               environment.
          day.                              The E-Commerce Pretzel
           Mark Shayler, Founder of Ape, kicked   Richard Sinclair, Chief Operating   The final session of the conference
          the day’s presentations off by discussing   Officer, EO Group        was a lively panel discussion hosted by
          how businesses can innovate to provide   Richard identified key e-Commerce   Simon Drakeford, CEO, EO Group and
          a better service while inflicting less   focus points for 2021 B2B sales in the OP   BOSS Chairman. The audience heard five
          environmental harm. He challenged   industry.                        future leaders of the industry share their
          delegates to think differently about how                             thoughts on what 2021 will hold for the
          to approach their strategy for 2021 by   SESSION 2:                  sector, as well as what they had learned
          bringing their focus closer.      Lead Generation During a           during 2020. While expectations for 2021
           Ali Green, Head of HR from Open,   Pandemic and Into the Future     varied across the panel, all agreed that the
          gave her perspective on what the   Kelly de Silva, Group Marketing Director,   ‘new normal’ would be very different to
          workplace will look like in 2021 as   OT Group                       the world of 2019. Videos of all sessions
          different generations return to the   Kelly discussed how sales and marketing   are viewable on the BOSS website.
          office. She discussed how, as workforce   teams can adapt their strategies to
          demographics are changing, employee   continue to generate new business leads   If you are interested in joining the
          training and up-skilling should be a key   and appointments.         BOSS Leaders of the Future committee,
          element of all businesses’ strategy.                                 please contact Helen Dunn at

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