Page 12 - BOSS Today Issue 51
P. 12

BOSS Today      #51

                                            #4 The icing on the storm          when this hit. We also delayed ordering
                                            Finally, a number of other factors added   more containers, because you don’t want
                                            the icing on this ‘perfect storm’, including   to be spending $6,000 more bringing
                                            poor winter weather hampering shipping,   stuff over unless you absolutely have to.
                                            price inflation on Chinese-made products   But, of course, you do have to supply your
                                            because of raw material cost increases,   customers, so you reach a point where you
                                            courier companies operating beyond full   have to bring it in and take the hit.”
                                            capacity and – as Haworth explains –   Where manufacturer prices have gone
                                            declining productivity in all parts of the   up significantly, distributors have generally
                                            distribution chain because of COVID-19   had to pass these on to their customers,
                                            restrictions: “We’ve lost huge amounts of   at least temporarily, as Nick Wilson, CFO
                                            productivity in our supply chain because of   Euroffice, explains: “Price increases have
                                            social distancing and shift separation. For   been impacting less than 5% of our range,
                                            example, we lose between 20-30 minutes   and the size of the increase depends on the
                                            every day between shifts because we have   percentage of the landed cost price that
          “We’ve lost huge amounts          to physically separate them. That’s a lot of   is accounted for by freight costs, which in
          of productivity in our            downtime.”                         turn depends on the size and value of the
                                                                               product. So, high volume, relatively cheap
          supply chain because of           Counting the cost                  products have been hit with 40% price
          social distancing and shift       All of these elements have meant that   increases, as have products with a lot of
          separation.”                      importing UK vendors, such as Stewart   air in them, like furniture. Where we can,
                                            Superior, were severely impacted by very
                                                                               we’ve passed these on to our customers
                                            significant cost increases: “We direct   and explained that, where the market is
          Steve Haworth, Group              import most of our products from the   moving, we have to move, too. Fortunately,
          CEO of EVO Group                  Far East: everything that we have on a   because the majority of products affected
                                            container is costing us more money!”   by this increase are wholesaler own label
                                            While distributors such as EVO have seen   items, they are being pushed through to
                                            millions of pounds of increase in their cost   everybody. The problem has also been
                                            base, albeit mainly on high volume, low   incredibly well publicised, so it’s been very
                                            value, white box and own label products,   easy to explain the increases to end-user
                                            as Haworth points out: “It would be fair   customers.”
                                            to say that we haven’t yet seen price
                                            increases come through aggressively from   Silver linings?
          “The main challenge was           branded manufacturers. Some people have   Distributors have had to think creatively
                                                                               about how to deal with the product
                                            been trying, but we have been pushing
          linked to documents               back really hard!”                 shortages caused by the crisis, as Haworth
                                              Indeed, some such manufacturers, such
          and customs clearance             as Stewart Superior, have resisted putting   explains: “We’ve looked at sourcing
                                                                               locally - and having a much shorter supply
          requirements, especially          prices up so far but, as Betts reveals, this   chain - as an option, but for a lot of
          on shipments from Great           is partly down to good planning and partly   these products, that comes with a huge
          Britain to the EU.”               due to a desire to maintain price stability:   increase in price. We’re not thinking of
                                                                               locally sourcing everything, but if it makes
                                            “We generally place significant orders at
                                            the back end of October to get through   sense, then actually we would prefer to
          Jo Partridge: Regional Consumer   Chinese New Year anyway, so thankfully   be supporting our local economy, which
          Business Group Leader at 3M       we already had extra stock on the water   resonates with the ‘buy local’ message

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