Page 17 - BOSS Today Issue 51
P. 17

BOSS Today      #51

            nother ‘Coronavirus Budget’ began   to support employers while levels of   n  The introduction, by March 2022, of
          Awith a summary of the ‘acute damage’   sickness absence remain high. As with   an ‘elite’ points-based visa. Within this
          the pandemic has done to the UK   other business support schemes, the   visa there will be a ’scale- up’ stream,
          economy and will continue to do. The   government will set out steps for closing   enabling those with a job offer from a
          Chancellor emphasised that more than   this scheme in due course.       recognised UK scale-up to qualify for a
          700,000 people have lost their jobs and                                 fast-track visa.
          the economy has shrunk by 10% – the   Traineeships                   n  The Global Talent visa will be
          largest fall in 300 years, with government   There will be an additional £126m   reformed, including allowing holders of
          borrowing being the highest it has been   made available for work placements   international prizes and the winners
          outside of wartime.               and training for 16-24 year-olds in the   of scholarships and programmes for
           However, there were some glimmers   2021/22 academic year. Employers who   early promise to automatically qualify.
          of economic hope to accompany the   provide trainees with work experience   n  A review of the Innovator visa to make
          success so far of the vaccine rollout, with   will continue to be funded at a rate of   it easier for those with the skills and
          forecasts suggesting that the economy   £1,000 per trainee.             experience to found an innovative
          will recover more quickly than previously                               business to obtain a visa.
          thought (apparently it is due to be back   Apprentice payments       n  The launch of the new Global Business
          to pre-COVID levels by the middle of next   The government will extend and increase   Mobility visa by spring 2022 for overseas
          year). Nevertheless, in five years’ time the   the payments made to those employers in   businesses to enable a presence in - or
          UK economy will still be 3% smaller than   England who hire new apprentices. Those   transfer staff to - the UK.
          it otherwise would have been without the   who do so between 1 April 2021 and 30   n  Practical support for small firms that
          COVID-19 crisis.                  September 2021 will receive £3,000 per   are using the visa system for the first
           In total, an additional £65bn of measures   new hire, compared with £1,500 per new   time.
          were announced by the Chancellor. Here   apprentice hire (or £2,000 for those aged   n  Modernisation of the immigration
          is our first glance at those which are most   24 and under) under the previous scheme.  sponsorship system to make it easier
          likely to affect our industry.                                          to use.
                                            Apprenticeships across             n  Establishment of a global outreach
                                            different employers                   strategy by expanding the Global
                                            The government will introduce a £7    Entrepreneur Programme, marketing
                                            million fund from July 2021 to help   the UK’s visa offering and exploring
                                            employers in England to set up and    building an overseas talent network.
                                            expand portable apprenticeships. This
                                            will enable people who need to work
                                            across multiple projects with different
          Employment and staffing           employers to benefit from the high-
          The Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme   quality long-term training that an
          (aka the furlough scheme) will be   apprenticeship provides. Employers will
          extended until the end of September   also benefit themselves from access to a
          2021. Employees will continue to receive   diverse apprenticeship talent pipeline.
          80% of their current salary for any hours                            Business finance
          not worked. There will be no employer   Wages                        New loans for recovery
          contributions - beyond National Insurance   The government has asked the Low   From 6 April 2021 a new Recovery
          contributions (NICs) and pensions -   Pay Commission to make UK-wide   Loan Scheme will provide lenders with
          required in April, May and June. From July,   recommendations with the aim of reaching   a guarantee of 80% on eligible loans
          as the economy reopens, the government   its target for a National Living Wage (NLW)   between £25,000 and £10 million to give
          will introduce an employer contribution   of two thirds of median earnings, extended   them confidence in continuing to provide
          towards the cost of unworked hours of   to those aged 21 and over, by 2024, as   finance to UK businesses. The scheme will
          10% in July, 20% in August and 20% in   economic conditions permit.  be open to all businesses, including those
          September.                                                           who have already received support under
                                            High-skilled migration             the existing COVID-19 guaranteed loan
          Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) Rebate Scheme  The new Points Based Immigration   schemes.
          SMEs will continue to be able to   System has been in effect since January
          reclaim up to two weeks of eligible SSP   2021 and the Budget announced further
          costs per employee. This scheme is a   immigration measures, with more details
          temporary COVID-19 measure intended   to follow in the summer:

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