Page 13 - BOSS Today Issue 51
P. 13

BOSS Today      #51

          that we’ve all been seeing throughout   and May, with significant improvements
          the COVID-19 crisis”. Indeed, Wilson   likely in H2, as Betts points out: “We’re
          agrees that it is “100% an opportunity for   clearly not sending as many masks around
          domestic manufacturers. We have been   the world as we did at the start of the
          trying to encourage our suppliers to move   COVID-19 crisis. It’s now just a question of
          to onshore or near shore production to try   pulling the PPE stock out of the containers
          and reduce the impact of this. Indeed, 12   as it is needed, and the container supply
          months ago, when the whole world fell off   will then become freer.”  “Price increases have been
          a cliff, a lot of suppliers did reconsider their   At which time, of course, many UK   impacting less than 5% of
          reliance on China as a production centre.   companies will be starting to plan for
          I would certainly like to see production   Chinese New Year 2022, while perhaps   our range, and the size of
          coming back, if not to the UK, then   echoing Steve Haworth’s heartfelt plea:   the increase depends on the
          certainly to a European manufacturing   “Can we have a period of quiet now?
          base. While China will still offer a lower   Can we have a year where we don’t have   percentage of the landed
          labour cost advantage, if freight prices do   to have emergency crisis meetings and   cost price that is accounted
          stay high it’s going to make it difficult to   can just think about buying and selling   for by freight costs, which
          justify moving production back to China,   stuff and trying to do a good job for our
          not least because doing so increases the   customers? That would be great!”  in turn depends on the size
          uncertainty of supply.”                                              and value of the product.”
           Welcome good news, then, for Europe’s   Martin Wilde – the author of this article - is
          beleaguered manufacturing base. Good   Managing Director of OP market research   Nick Wilson, CFO Euroffice
          news also is that this ‘perfect storm’ is   specialists Martin Wilde Associates Ltd
          widely expected to start to ease in April   (

             Plastics Pricing

             The plastics industry is currently experiencing a major crisis.

             BOSS Today has become aware of talk   States have blocked the production   Indeed, the concern is no longer to
             of big cost increases in the plastics used   of millions of tons of polymers and   know at what price conditions the
             in many office products. We have asked   stopped all exports of material to   next supply of plastic material will
             members to contribute their thoughts   Europe.                   take place, but to what extent the next
             to this debate and Hamelin has also   n   The recovery of economic activity   supply can take place at all.
             shared the situation that they faces,   in Asia has led to a strong demand   Over the last couple of months,
             which it has already disclosed to its   for polymers, and the resulting   Hamelin has been piloting an action
             customers:                        price surge is making this region   plan with its factories to prevent this
              The worldwide plastics market is   increasingly attractive to granule   shortage phenomenon from causing
             facing an unprecedented shortage of   producers.                 customers any harm. However, the
             polypropylene (PP) and PVC materials,   n   The numerous maintenance   sudden worsening of the situation,
             which has already become critical and is   shutdowns planned for the spring   especially regarding the significant
             getting worse every day:          by European oil refineries will add to   price evolution, puts the company in
                                               the force majeure cases already in   a situation of force majeure, noting
             n   Resin manufacturers have been   place since the beginning of the year.  “We have no choice but to implement
               reducing the volumes usually                                   significant price increases with
               allocated to the European market   This extraordinary context, where   immediate effect and we cannot be
               for several months, either through   drastic rationing has been imposed   made liable for potential delays of our
               obligation or by choice.      on all market players, has caused a   deliveries caused by the lack of raw
             n   The winter storms in the United   dramatic increase in market prices.  material.”

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