Page 21 - BOSS Today Issue 51
P. 21
On The Way To The Forum
Specialist OP market researcher Martin Wilde talks to Darren Lloyd, CEO of United UK
and recently-appointed Chair of the new BOSS Resellers’ Forum.
MW: Please can you give me a short MW: What has been your I see no reason why resellers
history of your career to date? involvement with BOSS so far? cannot return as the dominant
route to market for vendors.
DL: I have had 30 years’ industry DL: Many, many years ago I was
experience operating in all part of the Wessex & Wales MW: What is the new Resellers’
disciplines, but mostly Sales & committee, when there seemed Forum looking to achieve
Marketing. to be much more regional this year?
involvement and activity. For
MW: What challenges from a while, I was also part of the DL: We’re not sure yet; we are just
market conditions has United previous Resellers’ Committee. forming the committee and right
successfully met in 2020? I’ve always looked towards BOSS now are setting out our Terms of
for industry governance and Reference and our goals for the
DL: Well, in summary, we’re still direction through standards and coming year.
here, which in itself is a huge regulation and have attempted
success! It’s been very difficult to win a few BOSS Awards from MW: What challenges will the new
to control our natural impulses time to time! Resellers’ Forum be facing?
to innovate and create more
opportunities when the fact of MW: Congratulations on being DL: We’re starting from ground
the matter was – and still is – appointed as the Chair of the zero, which enables us to have
that commerce is effectively new Resellers’ Forum. Why did a clean sheet going forward. All
closed… you take on this role? parties involved in supporting
the channel must be challenged
MW: What challenges from market DL: For some time, I have believed to be progressive, innovative
conditions is United looking to that resellers have either and dynamic. Personally, I’m
tackle in 2021? been under-represented or often dismayed by the apathy
misrepresented and, in some surrounding many aspects of
DL: We’re forecasting a 40% instances, this has resulted the industry; for example, many
reduction in consumption, damage to the supply chain. sales and marketing offerings
as well as pressure on price throughout the supply chain look
and supply chains, although MW: Why is this the right time for little different from how they
Brexit hasn’t really affected the Resellers’ Forum to be re- appeared 25 years ago!
our business yet. We will need established?
to support our customers and If you are interested in joining
rebuild our own business this DL: I believe there is now a real the BOSS Resellers’ Forum, please
year. opportunity for a reseller contact Cheryl Lamont at
renaissance. With the right
strategies and industry support