Page 25 - BOSS Today Issue 51
P. 25

DOWN TO BUSINESS    BOSS Today      #51

             ith the UK now in our third lockdown,   n Consider using Wellness Action Plans.
          Wthere’s no doubt that the impact    Try for resources
          of the pandemic and its associated   on how to implement these, including        25%
          restrictions is beginning to take its toll   advice and templates for line managers.
          on our mental health. Across the trade
          press of various professions – health   As an employee
          staff, teachers, estate agents, and bankers                          of employees say their
          – you will see stories about the toll that   n  Many of us are used to a work   mental health has declined
          COVID-19 is taking on our emotional as   computer in the office, and a personal
          well as physical health.             computer at home. If you are using   since the start of the
           While the research seems unequivocal,   just one device for everything, it’s   pandemic *
          new data has found a gap between the   easy to be distracted by social media,
          higher level of worry expressed among   streaming TV and shopping when you
          employers and the action they have taken   are trying to work (or vice versa!). Set
          to tackle it. A poll by employee experience   up separate work and personal logins.
          agency Home found that while 80% of   Having different sets of favourite       44%
          organisations said employee mental   sites and screensavers can help you
          health was being negatively impacted,   mentally compartmentalise.
          fewer than two-thirds (61%) were actually   n  If you are feeling guilty about low
          doing anything more than usual to    productivity levels, try focus apps   of staff are finding working
          support their employees.             and distraction blockers, such as Cold   from home much harder –
           Of course, businesses may           Turkey Blocker, Freedom and Self
          understandably be in survival mode,   Control. These can help you to stick to   physically, mentally, and
          focusing on lowered demand and financial   the job in hand by physically blocking   emotionally – than being
          challenges, but it is clear there is a gap   the websites you are most likely to use
          between what employees need and what   to procrastinate.             in the office.
          employers can or will do to help. However,   n  If you have access to an employee
          that might not necessarily mean providing   helpline or counselling service, make
          employee counselling services, flexible   the most of it. Do not wait until things
          working or health and wellness benefits.   become intolerable to seek help. If
          An Aviva study found that only 15% of   these are not available to you, visit
          employees feel their employer is trying for a list of
          really hard to understand what motivates   confidential helplines, and of course
          them at this time. There has also been   contact your GP.
          a fall in the number of employees who
          report feeling loyalty towards their   As and when lockdown eases, a further
          employer. While employee wellbeing   set of challenges to our emotional
          benefits can be hugely helpful, sometimes   wellbeing will no doubt present itself.
          it is a simple conversation with the boss   Using public transport again, social
          that can bring a turning point towards   distancing on the job and adhering to
          better emotional health at work.   guidelines are likely to invite further
                                            stress and pressure. Our Health & Safety
          So what can you do?               and Human Resources teams are here to
          as an employer                    help. Contact information can be found
                                            using the links below:
          n Lead by example – maintain a positive
            work/life balance and encourage   Health & Safety: www.bossfederation.
            employees to do the same.       com/contact-us/health-safety
          n Check in regularly with your staff,   Human Resources: www.bossfederation.
            especially those working remotely. If   com/contact-us/hr
            the tech isn’t working for you, pick up
            the phone. Make sure that staff can   * according to recruitment consultant    For further information, please contact
            check in with each other too, perhaps   Wade McDonald.             Anna Stretton, Head of HR, at
            with informal online get-togethers.                      

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