Page 7 - BOSS Today Issue 51
P. 7

DOWN TO BUSINESS    BOSS Today      #51




            s part of the Government’s measures   Insurance contributions. HMRC remains
          Ato support struggling businesses during   an ordinary unsecured creditor for unpaid
          the COVID-19 crisis, a number of changes   Corporation Tax and employer National   into insolvency. HMRC can be one of the
          were made to Insolvency legislation.   Insurance contributions.      largest creditors in any insolvency, and
          Among these were the suspension of parts                             its move up the rankings of who gets paid
          of the Insolvency Act 1986, including a   Why has the Government decided to   first will inevitably result in less funds to
          moratorium for distressed companies   make this change?              be shared amongst unsecured creditors.
          contained in The Corporate Insolvency and   The government’s policy briefing paper   If you extend credit to customers, it
          Governance Act 2020.              explains that ‘Where a company or   may be a good idea to reassess credit
           Originally planned to prevent the use of   individual becomes insolvent, the taxes   limits and keep a watchful eye on
          Winding Up Petitions until 31 December   paid by employees and customers, which   customers’ credit ratings.
          2020, the moratorium has been extended   the insolvent business was temporarily
          until 31 March 2021. It is expected that a   holding, do not always go to funding   How will this affect our ability
          flood of petitions will be presented when   public services as intended. In such cases,   to borrow?
          the temporary restrictions are lifted.  they often go towards paying off debts   The increased risk to lenders who have
           If you are an unsecured Trade Creditor   owed to other creditors.’  previously relied on floating charges
          of a company going into insolvency,                                  as security may see those lenders
          you may be affected by another change   What will be the new order of priority?  reducing the amount of funding they are
          contained in The Finance Act 2020, which                             prepared to make available without some
          partially restores HMRC as a preferential   From 1 December 2020, creditors will be   additional security. Lenders may want
          creditor with effect from 1 December   paid in the following order:  a fixed charge over assets or property,
          2020.                             n  Secured creditors with a fixed charge    and may seek additional security in the
                                               (after costs of realisation)    form of parent company or personal
          What is changing?                 n  Insolvency practitioners’ fees and   guarantees.
          Before 2002, HMRC enjoyed preferential   expenses                      Floating charge funding is a frequently-
          status as a creditor when a business   n  Ordinary preferential creditors   used tool for businesses seeking
          became insolvent. This meant that they   (employees)                 temporary or rescue finance, and with
          were paid after creditors holding fixed   n  Secondary preferential creditors   lenders already concerned about the
          charges as security, but before floating   (HMRC for some types of taxes and   double negative impacts of COVID-19 and
          charge holders and unsecured creditors.   the Financial Services Compensation   Brexit on the economy, this restoration
          This preferential status was removed   Scheme)                       of the Crown Preference, even though
          by the Enterprise Act 2002, leaving the   n  Prescribed part creditors  partial, may have a detrimental impact on
          HMRC as an ordinary unsecured creditor.  n  Secured creditors with a floating   the availability of funding to businesses.
           However, from 1 December 2020,      charge
          HMRC has moved back up the rankings   n  Non-preferential creditors (unsecured
          that determine which creditors get paid   creditors)
          first in respect of some types of taxes.   n  Shareholders (for insolvent companies)
          This means that HMRC will rank ahead                                 For more information, please contact
          of floating charge holders and unsecured   How will this affect trade creditors?  Nicola Langley, Head of Legal &
          creditors in respect of unpaid VAT, PAYE   Most trade creditors will have no security   Commercial Solicitor, at
          income tax and Employees’ National   for unpaid debts when a customer goes

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