Page 5 - BOSS Today Issue 51
P. 5

INTRODUCTION     BOSS Today      #51

          OPENING UP

            s I sit here writing this   on our website www.   our new Bids Skills training
         Afrom my home office,        workshops, which are coming
         I look out of the window,   On page 21, we speak to   soon.
         inspired to see how nature   Darren Lloyd of United,   I’d like to urge you to help
         is reawakening in the spring   who is chairing our newly-  in getting information about
         sunshine. I can’t help but   established Resellers’   the BOSS Business Supplies
         feel the green shoots of   Forum. He talks us though   Charity to the people that
         optimism for our industry   his thoughts on a reseller   really need it. The Charity
         as the country and our     renaissance and how he’d   awards quarterly grants, one
         economy is starting to wake   like to ensure that his sector   off special support packages
         in tandem. As restrictions   is well represented in the   and emergency Covid grants.   Cheryl Lamont
         are easing, kids are back at   future.               There will be many people in   BOSS Commercial Director
         school and over half of the   I’m delighted to welcome   our industry who have been
         adult population has been   three new BOSS members:   furloughed, have had their   encouraging more people to
         vaccinated, we really are   Trade Supply, sales-i and   hours reduced or have been   join our community to access
         now in a position to review,   Smart Business Supplies. Turn   made redundant as a result of   our network of leading ideas,
         refocus, replace and restore.  to page 26 to read more about   the pandemic and the difficult   insight and business support.
           As one of the many people   these businesses and how   economic conditions, and we   I hope to see some of you
         in the UK who has started a   they’d like to engage with us.  want them to know that the   (virtually) at our upcoming
         new job during this pandemic,   We investigate the factors   BOSS Charity is here to help.   forums and workshops. I
         I am yet to meet any of my   driving the 300-400%    Many of these people are no   would welcome any feedback
         BOSS and BPIF colleagues in   increase in freight costs on   longer in the workplace, so it   on these or any of our other
         person. As we look forward, I   page 10. Here, key industry   is more difficult than ever for   BOSS member services. We
         join many across the industry   players share their thoughts   the Charity to communicate   are keen to hear from our
         who are making plans, with   and we examine how      with them. Please share our   members to ensure we fully
         fingers crossed, to hold   distributors have creatively   message and help us reach   understand your challenges
         live events and face to face   tackled this issue.   those who need our support.   and can provide access to
         meetings later in the year.   We continue to deliver   Full details of how you can   relevant and valued support
         In the meantime, our BOSS   value to our members     help are available on page 6.  and services. Please don’t
         team continues to provide   through our series of     Finally, I’d like to introduce   hesitate to get in touch at
         opportunities for you to   webinars and low cost     a new member of the
         connect virtually through   training workshops, please   BOSS team – Jack Massey,
         our forums, webinars and   see page 30 for full details.   Membership Advisor. Jack
         events. In February, we    Highlights are workshops on:   has a great experience
         ran an inspiring Leaders   Introduction to Print, Team   of our industry, having
         of the Future Conference,   Leading, Negotiation and   previously worked as an
         with a range of experts    Persuasion and Customer   Account Manager at VOW
         and interactive sessions –   Service. We are also running a   and, more recently, with an
         continuing to connect the   HR Forum/Employment Law   office products reseller, so
         industry virtually. Turn to   Update and Health Safety   has great understanding of
         page 8 to see highlights from   and the Environment Forum   many within our sector. Jack
         this fantastic event. If you   in April and May respectively.   is a most welcome addition to
         missed it, all of the content   Keep an eye on our website’s   our small BOSS team; he will
         from the day is available   Events section for details of   be making connections and

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