Page 6 - BOSS Today Issue 45
P. 6

BOSS Today      #45     NEWS

          THE RIDE OF LIFE



            his year’s Ride Of Life (RoL) – held   followed all the way round the course   years’ total of £19.5k and with more
          Tonce again in aid of the Institute of   by the Brother Service Car, which was   donations promised – means that more
          Cancer Research (ICR) – took place on   organised by Phil Jones from Brother   than £29k has now been raised to date
          Thursday 19th September.          and provided by Neutral Services, the   for the ICR over the two RoL events.
           Starting from The Bridge Hotel,   sponsor of four professional cycling   If you would like to donate, you can
          Reigate, 18 intrepid riders took to their   teams.                   still do so until the end of the year by
          saddles and – in four different groups -   Strong support was also welcomed   going to:
          pedalled a 100 kilometer circular route.   from the ICR, whose COO Charmaine   fundraising/seanstarkeyrideoflife2019.
          Fiendishly designed by Sean Starkey   Griffiths waved the riders off at the   Sean Starkey wishes to thank fellow
          and Steve Robinson, the route involved   start of the day and whose Business   organisers Steve Robinson, Steve
          as much as 4,000+ feet of climbing,   Development Director Lara Jukes gave   Hilleard, Kelly Hilleard and Monika
          including the iconic ascents of Box Hill   an inspiring talk at the gala dinner back   Starkey, as well as event sponsors
          and Leith Hill – which were part of the   at The Bridge Hotel at the end of the   Acco, Avery, Brother, COLOP, Durable,
          gruelling 2012 Olympics road cycling   ride. Also inspiring was the talk given by   Hainenko, Hamelin, InterACTION,
          course: “Those were a bit tough for   current cancer patient and keen cyclist   Integra, OPI and Superstat and all of
          some of the guys, but they still managed   Christine O’Connell, who is now actively   this year’s riders.
          it!” reported Starkey proudly.    trialling a groundbreaking drug that has
           Certainly, the conditions for the RoL   recently been developed by the ICR.  If you are inspired to join the team for next
          could not have been better for the five   It is good to know, then, that this   year’s RoL, which is to be held on 10th September
          or so hours that the riders were out on   year’s many miles of pedalling have so   2020, contact Sean Starkey at Sean.Starkey@
          the road. They were also supported and   far raised £9.5k, which – added to last or on 07747 442 948.

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