Page 11 - BOSS Today Issue 45
P. 11


          longer about “drawing pretty diagrams”:   coming from Dan Coshall (MD, Office   Steve McKeever (MD, Advantia) and
          instead it was now about extracting   Oracle Ltd), who had himself entered   Tim Beaumont (MD, Nemo and Office
          knowledge from data. Reminding    the industry via an apprenticeship   Club). Robinson took the panel through
          the audience that “the customer is   programme. Emphasising the value   their paces on some key industry
          King”, Pinner encouraged them to put   that apprenticeships had made to his   topics, quizzing each of them on their
          customers – and people – at the heart   own business – including their loyalty,   marketing service differences against
          of their marketing decision-making   passion and new ideas – he revealed   the wholesalers, whether dealers are
          and explained that because “people   that as many as 75% of his staff had now   better off inside or outside of groups,
          made the difference”, they should also   undertaken this type of programme.  whether there was room for further
          ensure that staff were fully engaged   A last minute replacement for Karly   dealer group consolidation, whether
          and acted as brand guardians. Finally,   Lattimore, BPIF’s MD of Training,   their members should also be members
          he illustrated his points by recounting   Charles Jarrold, the CEO of BPIF, took   of BOSS, the value of paper catalogues
          how, while at BIC, he had focussed   to the stage to de-bunk some myths   and dealer group conferences and
          on achieving far-reaching marketing   about apprenticeships (they are not just   – finally – what each believed the
          goals rather than short term ones by   for manual workers; not just for young   value of their own group was.
          engaging England rugby star Martin   people; apprentices are more likely to   This final question paved the way
          Johnson to champion the brand.    stay at the end of their apprenticeship   for the final session of the day, a
           After the lunch break, 2018 BOSS   and they do add value to a business)   discussion chaired by new BOSS CEO
          Lifetime Achievement Award winner   and concluded by pointing out that   Amy Hutchinson and Chairman Simon
          Philip Beer entertained the audience   BPIF was an excellent training provider   Drakeford on the relevance of BOSS
          by expressing his belief that “the   that could provide BOSS members with   in today’s changing market place.  A
          underlying foundation of BOSS is   advice and assistance in establishing   fitting finale to the event, such a
          about having fun and enjoying each   apprenticeship programmes.      direct invite from members put real
          other’s company” and reminded them   The penultimate formal part of the   flesh on Drakeford’s earlier appeal for
          that “it’s nice to be important, but   day was a panel discussion about the   their observations and feedback.
          it’s more important to be nice!”  value of dealer groups, chaired by   The day ended with drinks
           Much of the focus in the first half of   Steve Robinson (MD, Safescan UK) and   in the garden and – later, for
          the afternoon was on apprenticeships,   featuring Alex Dunn (MD, Superstat),   some – in a local hostelry.
          with the first of these presentations   Julie Hawley (MD, Office Friendly),   All told, a very good innings indeed.

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