Page 4 - BOSS Today Issue 45
P. 4

BOSS Today      #45     INTRODUCTION

         OUT ON

         THE ROAD

           t’s been a great first few months   HP, Nestle, Print Evolved, SPOT and   the next shining lights of the industry.
          Itravelling up and down the country,   Staedtler, your support is wonderful.   If you would like to attend or send one
          meeting members and attending       BOSS is passionate about helping   of your team just drop me an email –
          industry events to understand how BOSS   the industry to attract and retain   spaces are limited, so get in quick!
          can best offer support. It was good to see   the best talent. It’s why we brought   We launched our Brexit Bulletin in
          new members EazyStock at our Midlands   together our Leaders of the Future   August to help companies prepare in
          Gin Tasting (read about their offering   Committee (LOTF) to help facilitate   the event of a no deal scenario and
          to our community on page 8), and I   peer to peer networking across the   our Public Affairs Adviser, Carys Davis,
          was delighted to be invited to speak at   supply chain, raise individuals’ profiles   will discuss this in detail at Dealer
          Colop’s opening of their new premise this   within the industry and allow them   Support Live on the 17th October. She’ll
          September (p7). Thank you to everyone   to connect with current leaders.  be offering guidance for employers
          who has been so welcoming so far.   LOTF are now looking to grow their   who have EU staff and advice on the
           We’ve been busy over the summer   dynamic network and will be hosting   funding available to help manage the
          here at BOSS: in August our esteemed   a ‘Industry Leaders Meet Future   impact of Brexit on their businesses.
          judges gathered together to              Leaders’ event prior to the   Hopefully we’ll see many of you there.
          deliberate over the many entries          BOSS Awards evening. The     Having only just recovered from
          received for the BOSS Industry             day will empower future   cycling around (although it felt like
          Awards. I’d like to congratulate            leaders to meet some of   mainly up) Surrey’s finest countryside
          all the companies that are                   the leading lights from   for the ‘Ride Of Life’ (p6), Team BOSS
          featured on the shortlist (p13),             the industry and to learn   is gearing up for our next challenge.
          which is a brilliant achievement              from their experiences   We’ll be participating in the ‘Climb of
          in itself. I’m looking forward                and debate industry issues   Life’, the annual industry fundraising
          to welcoming you all to our                    alongside them. With   event in aid of the Institute of Cancer
          awards evening on the                            the opportunity to   Research on the 8th of November.
          28th of November, an                              network one-on-one   I’m looking forward to scaling those
          event that would not                              over lunch and to   peaks with many industry colleagues.
          be possible without                               connect with other   Organised this year by my predecessor
          our sponsors:                                     peers entering the   Phil Lawson, it’s a wonderful initiative
          thank you to 3M,                                   industry, it’s a   to get involved in and a few places are
          Channel Info,                                      not-to-be-missed   still available. If you would like to join
          Dealer Support,                                    event for those with   the fun, please email climboflife2019@
          ExaClair, OPI,                                    the potential to be to put your name forward.

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