Page 14 - BOSS Today Issue 48
P. 14



          YOUR COMPANY


          do’s and don’ts for directors

            s the UK Government has reacted to   liquidator could apply to the court for an   liabilities in the short-term may enable
          Athe unfolding COVID-19 pandemic,   order that directors contribute to the pot   them to trade out of difficulties once the
          substantial measures have been put   of money available to pay out to creditors   current crisis is over.
          in place that are intended to mitigate   if the directors had carried on incurring   This appears to be an encouraging sign
          the effect on businesses and the wider   liabilities when they “knew, or ought to   that the Government wants business to
          economy.                          have concluded there was no reasonable   continue, but it should not be seen as an
           These rapid developments, including   prospect of the company avoiding an   invitation for directors to disregard the
          legislation, regulations and guidance,   insolvent liquidation”.     usual considerations when deciding to
          have for the most part been welcomed   The original proposal was that directors   incur liability or take on more debt.
          by the business community, but company   would not be held liable under this   Directors need to remain cautious in
          directors now have a legal minefield to   provision in relation to actions taken from   their actions because the requirement
          navigate as they continue to run their   the 1 March 2020 to 31 May 2020. On 14   to follow common law duties and other
          companies in these very difficult times.  May 2020, the UK Government extended   provisions of the Companies Act will
           Many directors will be considering   the temporary suspension of wrongful   continue to apply.
          whether their companies are strong   trading liability until 30 June 2020.The   So, how should directors make difficult
          enough to survive the economic    Government does not want directors to   decisions about the company?
          downturn, and whether they should carry   be so concerned about personal liability
          on business at all.               that they act pre-emptively in closing   Do:
           The Government has taken steps   businesses down in these unusual   n Continue to hold regular directors’
          to suspend certain sections of the   circumstances, where an increase in   meetings. This can be done remotely
          Insolvency Act 1986. The changes are                                   using video or telephone conferencing.
          set out in the Corporate Insolvency and   Directors need to remain     Directors should discuss the financial
          Governance Act 2020, which came into                                   viability of the company and consider
          force on the 26th June 2020. It is intended  cautious in their actions,   up-to-date and detailed management
          to offer temporary and longer term   because the requirement to        accounts. Document the decisions
          protection to businesses and represents a   follow common law duties   made by the board, and the reasons
          shift to a more debtor friendly insolvency                             behind them.
          regime. This means that directors will   and other provisions of     n Review the position of the company’s
          avoid personal liability for Wrongful   the Companies Act will         creditors and expedite the collection of
          Trading. The previous law said that                                    debts.
          if a company went into insolvency, a   continue to apply.            n Keep in touch with your bank and your

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