Page 13 - BOSS Today Issue 48
P. 13
industry’s ability to deliver – and this BOSS Launches PPE Supplier Portal
is expected to remain the case for the BOSS (together with the BPIF) has Make the safer choice
foreseeable future.” launched a COVID-Secure Product Portal
What advice, then can be given to Conventional jet air dryers have
dealers wishing to sell these products? that connects BOSS members who are
been found to spread up to 10 times
McLoughlin simply urges dealers to producing COVID-Secure Products with more germs in the environment
“expand your knowledge, be credible and those who are looking to purchase these than hand towels – a serious
sell more of it” and it is certainly clear products. BOSS members looking for a problem facing facility managers all
that education and product knowledge partner supplier to work with can simply over the world during the COVID-19
are very important when it comes to enter into the portal’s search facility their
The Tork PeakServe® continuous
selling PPE, as is making sure that the company name, location, the products hand towel system – now available
products supplied are not only adequate required (aprons, banners and signage, from Essity – is an hygienic, single-
and suitable, but also comply with all face masks and visors, floor stickers user touch system that uses 50%
regulatory requirements. The British and screens & guards), any product compressed bundles to offer the
highest capacity on the market,
Safety Industry Federation (BSiF) is the accreditations needed, as well as the
making sure that hand towels are
UK’s leading trade body within the safety geographical radius of the search area. always available and enabling users
industry, and has a Registered Safety The results are delivered in seconds. to quickly grab a towel and move on
Supplier Scheme at https://www.bsif. so as to maintain social distancing. Martin Wilde – the author of this article – The extended family of Tork
is Managing Director of OP market
Indeed, as Starkey points out, “while research specialists Martin Wilde PeakServe® dispensers can also
PPE is a new range for many dealers, Associates Ltd serve washrooms with different
traffic flows, layouts and sizes with
many of their customers will be less
the same refill, making life easier for
informed about what they are looking cleaners.
for, so dealers can add value and benefit Further details are available at
by knowing the strengths and limitations
of each product and therefore which to
*Best et al, J Hosp Infection, 2014
recommend to customers. Customers are
looking for a packaged solution which
meets their full requirements, and dealers
can provide this by broadening their
range to include a full end-to-end solution
for businesses looking to prepare their
premises for the ‘new normal’”.