Page 17 - BOSS Today Issue 47
P. 17

DOWN TO BUSINESS    BOSS Today      #47



          SCHEME (CBILS)

          A more detailed look at the Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme (CBILS), who it might apply to and
          advice on how to get access to it.

            UK wide scheme designed to help   Two simple examples to depict how   Precise conditions and access may vary
          A  businesses affected by coronavirus   liability falls on debt following defaulted   between banks but, on a practical level,
          to access loans of up to £5 million. The   loans:                    businesses are advised to approach banks
          original scheme made allowance for loans                             that they have an on-going relationship
          of up to £5 million, available to business   Example 1:              with in the first instance. It may just take
          with a turnover up to £45 million. The   £250,000 loan over a five year period.  too long to get through to a new bank and
          scheme will be interest free for up to 12   Company fails after four years.  provide them with the information they
          months and be fee free. An expansion   £50,000 of loan already repaid.  will need to make an informed decision on
          has been announced so that firms with a   £200,000 outstanding.      your loan.
          turnover between £45 million and £500   £100,000 secured from company assets.
          million can access Government-backed   £100,000 outstanding.         To get access to CBILS it will be crucial to
          loans of up to £25 million.                                          satisfy the following criteria:
           The scheme has been set up with the   It is this outstanding liability that is
          intention of providing financial support   split between Government (80%) and   n Was the business viable before the
          to small and medium sized businesses   the lending bank (20%). Government   onset of COVID?
          (SMEs) that are losing revenue, and   £80,000, bank £20,000.         n Is the business impacted now (to a point
          seeing cashflow disrupted, as a result of                              where it falls outside normal lending
          the COVID-19 outbreak.            Example 2:                           criteria but with support will be able to
           Visit the British Business Bank for more   £500,000 loan over a five year period.  trade through/beyond the crisis)?
          details on how the scheme works.  Company fails after four years.
           Please note that the scheme encourages   £100,000 of loan already repaid.  If not, it is likely that the bank will either
          lending as the Government is providing   £400,000 outstanding.       refuse to lend or push towards normal
          security to the banks of up to 80% of the   £200,000 secured from company assets.  lending procedures.
          outstanding debt on the loan. However,   £200,000 outstanding.         This is a new scheme and setting it up
          the borrower always remains 100% liable                              has been a huge task, banks have been
          for the loan. That said, at least nine of the   Personal guarantee of 20% of outstanding   managing learning and implementing the
          main UK banks (Barclays, HSBC, Lloyds   debt (as it is a loan over £250,000)   scheme whilst dealing with a massive
          Banking Group, Royal Bank of Scotland,   is £40,000. £160,000 outstanding.  increase in enquiries and limitations
          Nat West, Ulster Bank, Santander, Metro   Government (80%) £128,000,    imposed by branch closures and staff
          Bank and Virgin) have now removed   bank (20%) £32,000.              shortages as a result of coronavirus.
          personal guarantee requirements for
          loans up to £250,000.

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