Page 13 - BOSS Today Issue 47
P. 13


            ven before the Coronavirus crisis   – a 74% increase – with the largest   other commitments or want to work at
          Ebegan, the increase in remote and   rates of increase occurring in Yorkshire   different times of the day.
          home working was more than evident   & Humberside (+133%) the North West   n   The cost of public transport and fuel –
          and, as a research study in May 2018   (+116%) and the North East (+105%).    and the pressures of congested roads,
          by Swiss-based serviced office provider   Overall, and inevitably, the regions with   trains and buses – increasingly make
          IWG found, it’s a global phenomenon.   the highest numbers of workers based   the traditional commute unappealing
          The survey found that 70% of full-time   mainly at home in 2018 were, perhaps   to workers, who may also value the
          professionals worldwide now work   inevitably, were the South East (287,000)   savings generated by not having to buy
          remotely at least one day a week, with   and London (233,000).         clothing specifically for work.
          as many as 53% working remotely for at
          least half of the week.           The main factors driving this long-term   However, the practice of home working
           It’s no surprise that most (84%) remote   trend are obvious:        has revealed other benefits to employers:
          workers work mainly at home – due                                    remote workers are highly motivated and
          of course partly to convenience, a lack   n The cost of office space is such that   more productive: a Buffer report entitled
          of commute and an easily-accessible   businesses have been looking for   “The State Of Remote Work” found
          infrastructure – although 37% of remote   cheaper alternatives to accommodate   that only 8% of remote workers had
          workers claim that cafés are where they   their staff. The majority of home   problems with staying motivated, while a
          spend the second biggest amount of time   workers also pay for their own internet   study by Stanford University found that
          working, with another 4% stating that a   costs, which generates another saving   digital nomads are 13% more productive
          café was now their main place of work.  for employers.               than in-office workers. There are also
           Indeed, statistics from the ONS Labour   n   The technology and IT infrastructure   benefits for the environment: a lack of a
          Force Survey suggest that working   which facilitate home working are now   commute saves carbon emissions, while
          primarily at home was already rising   widely available at comparatively low   not needing to provide heating for a large
          rapidly in the UK: in Q4 2008 a total of   cost.                     number of workers in an office can also
          884,000 workers worked inside their   n   Workers are increasing looking for   be an environmental benefit.
          own home for their main job. By Q4   greater flexibility in their working
          2018, this figure had risen to 1,542,000   arrangements, particularly if they have

            Tips For Employers

            Here are some important tips for managers who have staff that are working from home or are in isolation:

            1.  Keep employees in sight and in mind: remote or home   5.  Encourage balance: encourage your workforce to
              working can negatively impact resilience, as people can   establish a clear work/life balance to ensure that they do
              feel they are ‘out of sight and out of mind’. Employers   not develop unhealthy working habits, such as working
              should encourage strong social network connections,   longer hours or checking emails at night and weekends.
              but also take care that all interactions via email etc are   Encourage them to develop daily routines, eat a healthy
              managed with sensitivity and consideration.      diet and do some kind of physical exercise.
            2.  Proactively manage communications challenges:
              communication with remote employees can be difficult.   BOSS have created the following guidance and policy
              Be sure to keep in touch with your employees regularly   documents for you to use (click here).
              and check in on the person and not just their work!
            3.  Schedule communication: engaging with your workforce   Guidance: Coronavirus Working from Home and Self-Isolation
              regularly will create a connected and open environment   Guidance: Coronavirus – Mental Health & Self-Isolation
              which will encourage employees to speak openly,   Guidance: Mental Health & Wellbeing – Coronavirus
              so schedule ‘one on ones’ and team meetings using   & Self-Isolation
              programmes like Skype.                         Guidance: Mental Health & Wellbeing – What is
            4.  Signpost mental health support: make sure your   Homeworking?
              workforce is aware of your HR department’s services and   Guidance: Coronavirus Managing Stress and Anxiety
              Employee Assistance Programme (EAP), if you have one.   Policy Advice: Home Working – HR

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