Page 14 - BOSS Today Issue 47
P. 14

BOSS Today      #47     DOWN TO BUSINESS

           It’s no surprise, then, that – even   workers to stay at home, while others   shortage of laptops has been reported
          before the Coronavirus crisis - home   had been trialling remote working   as firms bulk buy for employees who
          working was widely predicted to increase   systems (on 13th March Lloyd’s of London   normally work on desktop computers,
          in the future, with 99% of workers   closed down its underwriting room for   and it is clear that the UK OP industry is
          stating that they would like to work   the first time in its 330-year history).   very much central to facilitating this shift
          remotely at some point for the rest of   Many of Britain’s businesses have been   to the home.
          their careers.                    going beyond government guidance,
           However, the Coronavirus crisis has   with flexible or full “working from home”   For more information on home working
          moved this into a much higher gear:   policies becoming standard.    and isolation, please visit the HR section
          by the 19th March, several of the UK’s   However, the move has not been   of
          largest companies had told office   without its challenges: for example, a

            Tips For Employees

            It is very likely that many workers are being plunged into home working for the first time,
            so here are some important tips to share with employees who are working from home:

            Routine: start the day early with a routine: get dressed and   Socialisation: this is the big one! We all need to talk to
            go for a walk, for example. Then create a daily to-do list   others, so use technology like Zoom or Skype to do so. If
            to give your day some structure and help you measure its   you live with someone who’s also working from home, try to
            productivity (or create a priority list and try to achieve the   plan your breaks at the same time: go for your daily walk or
            top thing on that list each day). It’s also important to log off   make lunch together. If you’re at home with the kids, split
            at a reasonable time every night. Ensure you have a lunch   your break into smaller regular chunks to check on them. If
            and frequent breaks of 10 minute slots of movement. Take   you live alone, call a colleague and have a non-work-related
            your time making those cups of tea!              catch up.

            Workstation: you may not have the perfect workplace or   Food & refreshments: start the day right with a nutritious
            equipment, but get a supportive chair, or consider a stand-  breakfast to help combat mid-morning urges to hit the
            up desk. Set up somewhere with a table and chair rather   fridge. Eating a balanced lunch is essential for maintaining
            than a sofa or bed and get up regularly to stretch. Do not   concentration and energy levels in the afternoon: you can
            wear lounge clothes or pyjamas when working from home,   avoid unhealthy options by batch cooking and stashing
            as it can affect your wellbeing - and you never know you   the meals in your freezer. Have healthy snacks available,
            might have to jump on a video call!              otherwise you’ll eat chocolate! Make sure you are adequately
                                                             hydrated because mild dehydration can cause fatigue and
            Work environment: find a space away from the main home   headaches, but if you’re prone to endless cups of tea or
            area if possible and definitely not in your bedroom! Moving   coffee, try to be aware of your recommended caffeine intake
            into another room halfway through the day for a change of   so you can get a good night’s sleep.
            scenery can also kick-start creativity. Ensure that you pack
            down and move away from your workspace at the end of   Fresh air: get out once a day for a walk, run or cycle,
            the day as a visual cue that work time has finished.  because getting fresh air and being closer to nature has
            Minimise distraction: we produce much better work when   many physical and mental wellbeing benefits.
            we are focused on one thing, so move your phone out of
            the way and get rid of all the apps which will distract you.   Regular breaks and exercise: every 25 minutes, get up and
            Make sure that your colleagues and loved ones understand   stretch, breathe, go outside, go up and down the stairs,
            your boundaries and are aware when you will and will not be   anything to move your poor sedentary body!
            available. If your distractions are children, there is a range
            of online resources for parents to entertain and educate
            children, such as BBC Bitesize and We Are Teachers.

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