Page 9 - BOSS Today Issue 60
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BOSS Today      #60

          delegate responsibility: “If you are tired,   for team meetings etc. In addition, we   resulting in improved workplace
          stressed and make poor decisions, guess   have policies in place to support flexible   relationships and feeling less isolated
          what…? Your people are likely to do the   working: we offer flexi time, career breaks   when they do face challenges.
          very same – it’s not rocket science! You   and have a generous holiday scheme. I   n  The assurance that comes from
          are the North Star in company culture;   really dislike presenteeism - this creates   knowing that, when things get tough,
          people will follow your lead, so it’s crucial   a toxic culture and helps no one! We need   the company is behind them.
          to share responsibilities and make sure   to trust the people we have employed to   n  A greater connection to the company
          that, as a leader, you can achieve a happy   do the job and this should be measured on   they work for and a pride in being part
          work/life balance. You will be able to lead   output and results. We have also refreshed   of a professional and committed team
          with energy, make calm, clinical decisions   the office space, making it a much better   that will consistently work through
          and have the time to listen to your people.”  collaborative space, so people no longer   challenges together.
                                            have to come in and be tied to a desk or   n  Better personal and career and
          Walk the Talk                     stuck in a meeting room.”             development opportunities, leading
          Indeed, it is clear that many of these   Office Friendly has also put hybrid   (probably) to…
          principles are currently being worked   working policies into practice, as well as   n  Better remuneration
          out in practice in our panellists’   open communication, as Caswell explains:
          businesses. Buckley explains that both   “We offer a blend of office/home working   Many of the above will of course benefit
          open communication and delegation are   location each week and always try to be   employers, but there are also some
          fundamental to Prima’s way of operating:   flexible when it comes to people’s ‘out   specific advantages to companies of
          “We have an open book policy when it   of work’ commitments. We also meet   building a resilient workforce:
          comes to sharing the company financial   regularly as teams and carefully align
          performance. This, coupled with giving   teams’ goals and targets across the   n  Greater staff retention. As Marshall
          our team responsibility and encouraging   business to promote an inclusive, cohesive   points out, “If organisations can
          inclusive decision making, leads to our   working environment. Each month we   provide that culture and support,
          people feeling personal responsibility   run an employee nominations programme   people are much more likely to stay in
          towards the success of Prima. When facing   where our team members share positive   the organisation. Recruitment is costly
          challenges, our people feel motivated   feedback about colleagues who have gone   and experience is very hard to replace,
          to find answers and drive the company   out of their way to support someone   so helping staff with this benefits
          through difficult times.”         during that month. So, we hear loads of   everyone.”
            Derbyshire also believes that open   great positive stories about our colleagues!   n  Lower absenteeism and higher
          communication has been central to OT   Finally, we try and have a bit of fun as a   productivity. As Caswell explains:
          Group’s initiatives in this area: “Over the   team, too, with team building activities   “Giving people the right support and
          last year we have created an employee’s   and evening socials.”         flexibility can result in fewer absence
          voice team, this includes nominated                                     days and, as a result, improve company
          representatives from all areas who   Reap the Benefits                  output and performance.”
          represent the teams – including HR   So, is it all worth it? When these principles   n  A culture of continuous improvement.
          leadership and a Board member – to   are put into practice, what benefits can   Buckley believes that “We all encounter
          share feedback and consider ways we   be expected by any company attempting   setbacks along the way: for example,
          can improve our communications and   to build workplace resilience within their   losing an important contract to a
          experience while we are at work. We have   organisation?                competitor or missing out on a large
          a very ‘open door’ flat organisation, which   From the point of view of individual   tender. But resilient workforces can
          has been valuable through challenging   staff, it appears that the advantages of   turn disappointment into motivation
          times and has allowed us to both   building workplace resilience are profound   to improve and replace the opportunity
          react quickly and cascade information   and wide-ranging:               with something bigger and better.”
          regularly. Plans for the future include                              n  Revenue and profitability growth. As
          further workplace flexibility, additional   n  A better work and home life balance,   Derbyshire points out, “A business
          HR support programmes and continued   which will lead to people being more   performing well, with high levels of
          improvements in the workspace        willing to ‘go the extra mile’ if needed   retention of team members alongside
          environment.”                        by their employer.                 enhanced productivity, will all lead to
            Indeed, Marshall reports that YPO has   n  Greater opportunities for creativity:   secure growth, an improving cost base
          introduced hybrid working which can be   when people are less stressed and there   and enriched customer experiences.”
          tailored to each person and team: “They   is no fear, people have the freedom
          can apply for the hybrid hours, based on   to be more creative in their decision   Martin Wilde – the author of this article - is
          their own requirements. Of course this   making.                     Managing Director of OP market research
          has to be balanced with business needs,   n  Greater job satisfaction.  specialists Martin Wilde Associates Ltd
          and we tend to ask people to come onsite   n  Better communication with colleagues,   (

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