Page 4 - BOSS Today Issue 60
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BOSS Today      #60

         FROM THE TOP

           his issue of BOSS Today comes to you   into new areas and we are pleased to see
          Tin the summer holiday period, and we   the BOSS membership is also evolving
          hope that you’ve managed to put aside   to welcome members from all areas of
          some time for rest and rejuvenation. The   professional business supplies, including
          world of business continues to demand   office and print supplies, systems and
          the ability for us to evolve and embrace   services, technology, furniture, cleaning
          new opportunities and it’s important   and hygiene, catering, workwear and
          that we don’t forget about taking a break   corporate clothing, industrial and
          and having some time to regenerate,   warehouse supplies.
          ready for a busy period in the last   The political landscape has of course
          quarter of 2024.                  recently changed in the UK and, in this
            At the recent BOSS Leaders Of The   issue, we’ve brought you some analysis
          Future Conference we heard from two   from our public affair advisor Carys
          inspiring keynote speakers – Phil Jones,   Davis on how Labour’s manifesto pledges
          the Managing Director of Brother and   could affect our industry. With their
          Sarah Furness, a former helicopter   agenda being heavy on employment law
          pilot. They told their personal stories   changes, we have outlined some of the
          to inspire us, and shared some of their   areas that are likely to get an early focus
          life lessons, including: taking time for   and we’ll continue to bring you news on
          personal reflection; thinking about how   updated legislation. Our Members’ Day
          we communicate with our colleagues;   in London will be an opportunity to meet
          managing our internal PR; making better   with other senior executives from the   DEBBIE NICE
                                                                               INTERIM CEO,
          decisions and continually learning.  We   business supplies industry and discuss   BOSS FEDERATION
          also addressed the topic of resilience at   some initial reactions from our speaker
          our event in June and our feature article   about the likely effect on our market.
          will give you some insight into ways in   If you need some light relief from
          which some of our Leaders Of The Future   politics, think ahead to the 28th
          speakers (Jeanette Caswell, Ian Buckley,   November and our flagship event, The
          Jo Marshall and Stuart Derbyshire)   2024 BOSS Awards, which is moving
          handle this within their businesses.   to a new venue – The Eastside Rooms
            We’ve seen a renewed interest in   in Birmingham. This event is timed to
          networking and collaborating again this   be the start of the party season and
          year, with all events being well attended   it brings together over 400 people to
          and facilitating some great interaction   celebrate and enjoy the success of our
          between manufacturers, wholesalers   industry winners. We’ve also included
          and resellers who are looking to work   an article on our newest BOSS board
          together to find new opportunities. The   member, so if you want to know who the
          dealer group events have also tackled   Ice Man is, read our 60 second interview!
          the hot topics and we’ve seen increased   Thank you to all our readers for
          interest in AI and cyber essentials, more   your support of the BOSS community.
          debate on ‘the return to the office’, a   The BOSS team really appreciate your
          practical interest in sustainability from   interaction and engagement in our
          both a moral and legislative point of view   special interest groups and events. We
          and an appetite for change.       welcome your feedback and hope to see
            Our members continue to diversify   you in person at an industry event soon.

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