Page 8 - BOSS Today Issue 60
P. 8

BOSS Today      #60     SPECIAL FEATURE

                                            share feedback.” This should include   n  Most of all, listening to the team and
                                            recognising and celebrating individual and   acting upon what is learned. If staff
                                            team achievements, however big or small,   are tired, irritable and regularly make
          Be clear with your company        because when employees feel valued    poor decisions, it is likely that they are
          goals and targets, your           and supported, they are more likely to   overstretched and stressed. Gauge the
                                            develop the resilience needed to handle
                                                                                  mood of the team through regular one
          expectations of people and        challenges.                           to ones and act upon that feedback.
          always set time for one to
          ones and check in on how          Welcome Wellness                   In short, well rested, happier people who
                                                                               have a well balanced life are going to be
                                            Of course, these are just the foundations.
          people are progressing            Supporting employees in achieving a   much better equipped to handle challenges
          and where they might              healthy work-life balance is key for   and work-related stress.
                                            helping to build workplace resilience,
          need support.                     so what can businesses do to promote   Be Practical
                                            health and wellbeing within their staff?   Indeed, as Marshall points out, while many
                                            Our panellists offered a variety of ideas   organisations talk about staff wellbeing
                                            that employers could adopt:        and resilience, to promote it in the
                                                                               workplace, “you have to actually do some
                                            n   Ensuring that there are healthy food   stuff!”
                                               options available – free fresh fruit is a   So, outside of the wellbeing tips
                                               widely suggested example.       outlined above, what practical advice
          Jeanette Caswell                  n  Ensuring that drinking water is freely   would the panellists give to someone in
          Managing Director, Office Friendly   available and from a good source, not   their team to help them to build resilience?
                                                                               Marshall is keen to emphasise the
                                               just the tap!
                                            n  Encouraging staff to consider their   importance of encouraging contextualising
                                               work/life balance, including the need to   and adopting healthy perspectives: “The
                                               take some time to ‘sort something out’.  first thing would be ‘focus on the things
                                            n  Allowing flexibility with working hours,   you can change, not the things you can’t’. A
          A business performing                including when there are important   lot of people spend lots of time disagreeing
                                                                               with company policies and decisions etc,
                                               events in an employee’s personal
          well, with high levels of            life, such as managing childcare,   and this in itself causes stress and anxiety.
          retention of team members            or looking after elderly relatives.   When my team are getting stressed about
          alongside enhanced                   Companies should recognise that there   a situation I always ask them to think ‘Can
                                               are different situations and adapt
                                                                               I influence this or change it?’ If they can’t,
          productivity, will all               accordingly.                    they should move on to something they
          lead to secure growth,            n  Encouraging staff to take their holidays   can influence to make a situation better.
                                               guilt-free, because nothing is more
                                                                               Secondly, it’s important to think about
          an improving cost base               important than taking time off to   the bigger picture: ‘Will this issue matter
          and enriched customer                recharge and avoid burnout.     tomorrow/next week/next year?’ This
          experiences.                      n  Encouraging staff to distance   helps focus the mind and hopefully brings
                                                                               back some perspective.”
                                               themselves from work
                                               communications, emails and calls when   Both Derbyshire and Caswell believe
                                               they are on days off or annual leave.  that the key practical step is to encourage
                                            n  Encouraging staff to take regular   – and practise – open and regular
                                               breaks during the working day,   communication and collaboration. Caswell
                                               including taking a walk in the fresh air   advises: “Be clear with your company goals
                                               outside.                        and targets, your expectations of people
                                            n  Offering financial support, such as   and always set time for one to ones and
          Stuart Derbyshire                    discounts to gyms or for clubs outside   check in on how people are progressing
          Chief Sales Officer, OT Group        of work.                        and where they might need support.
                                            n  Investing in a mental health first   Collaborate as teams, sharing ideas or
                                               aider. This gives a safe space for your   challenges, and give a space for the team
                                               employees to confidentially share   to contribute to shaping plans or problem
                                               challenges and ensures that there is   solving.”
                                               someone there to help with a healthy   For Buckley, the key pieces of practical
                                               mindset.                        advice are to lead by example and to

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