Page 7 - BOSS Today Issue 60
P. 7

BOSS Today      #60

          BUILDING                                           AS THE BUSINESS WORLD NAVIGATES

                                                             ITS WAY OUT OF THE STRESSES CAUSED
          THE                                                BY THE COVID PANDEMIC AND THE

                                                             NEW COMPLEXITIES OF HYBRID

          BOUNCE                                             WORKING, THE IMPORTANCE OF
                                                             WORKPLACE RESILIENCE HAS VERY

                                                             MUCH COME TO THE FORE.

            roadly, workplace resilience can be   can support any challenges that team
          Bdefined as “responding positively to   members are experiencing. Leadership
          pressure, recovering from challenges,   must have clear, consistent messaging   Having a board and senior
          handling adversity, and identifying   throughout the business, with roadmaps
          and overcoming obstacles as learning   in place for future growth plans, including   leadership team focused on
          opportunities.”                   how teams are able to grow with training   this is important: they can’t
            How is this currently being addressed   and support.” This advice even goes as far
          within our industry? We asked the four   as embracing tech development, especially  build a resilient team if
          business leaders who ran the Round   AI: teams should be made aware of the   they haven’t got resilience
          Table sessions at the recent Leaders of   benefits of AI, and training and support   themselves!
          the Future conference to give us their   on role changes should be given where
          thoughts:                         applicable.
                                               Indeed, what is clear is that a culture
          Jo Marshall                       of trust must be established as a priority
          Executive Director, YPO           across the business, as Ian Buckley notes:
          Ian Buckley                       “When people feel trusted, they are
          Managing Director, Prima Software  equipped to take responsibility for their
          Stuart Derbyshire                 actions and make more positive decisions,
          Chief Sales Officer, OT Group     knowing that they have management   Jo Marshall
          Jeanette Caswell                  support. Once trust is established, it filters   Executive Director, YPO
          Managing Director, Office Friendly  through peer relationships, encouraging
                                            better communication between individuals
          Lay The Foundations               and departments – and this is crucial in
          Firstly, we asked our panellists how they   pulling people together when the going
          believed companies could build workplace   gets tough.” Trust is also very important   When people feel trusted,
          resilience. Jo Marshall was keen to point   in creating an honest feedback loop,   they are equipped to take
          out that this really has to start at the top,   allowing the team to candidly reflect on
          with management firstly understanding   situations and challenges and treat them   responsibility for their
          what resilience actually means and how   as a learning exercise, thereby equipping   actions and make more positive
          this might apply both to themselves and   the team to manage similar scenarios
          their workforce: “Having a board and   better in the future.         decisions, knowing that they
          senior leadership team focused on this is   Overall, this means that the creation   have management support.
          important: they can’t build a resilient team   of a positive company culture is a
          if they haven’t got resilience themselves!   prerequisite, as Jeanette Caswell explains:
          Staff are looking for guidance and advice;   “Creating a positive work environment
          they are looking for a steady hand to steer   gives a solid foundation for building
          them through difficult times.”    resilience and helps to foster a culture that
            Once that is in place, openness and   is respectful and inclusive. It is important
          consistency throughout the organisation   to encourage open communication across
          are vital, as Stuart Derbyshire explains:   the team, using a variety of different
          “Promote an open forum for sharing   channels so everyone has a route where   Ian Buckley
          news, both good and bad, plus how you   they feel comfortable to speak up and   Managing Director, Prima Software

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