Page 26 - BOSS Today Issue 56
P. 26

BOSS Today      #56     DOWN TO BUSINESS

                                            SARS AND HOW

                                            TO MINIMISE

                                            HOW MUCH TIME

                                            THEY CAN WASTE

          Subject Access Requests (SARs) can be frustrating and time consuming, particularly when you suspect that the
          request from the Data Subject (DS) is largely being made to cause you frustration and waste your time.

            SAR is simply a request for personal   sent to their email address is not data if   (d) Data that would prejudice the conduct
          Adata, which means any information   it’s not about them.              of the business or negotiations
          relating to an identified or identifiable   n  The aims of a SAR are to enable the   between the employer and employee.
          person, including information that   employee to be “aware of and verify     You cannot refuse to disclose
          identifies them directly or indirectly: for   the lawfulness of processing”. You   data because of possible or actual
          example, their identification number,   are required to make “reasonable   proceedings.
          initials or general description.     efforts” to find the data, not make
            Since 2005, only 99 SAR complaints   “unreasonable or disproportionate”   Get advice
          have been made to the Information    searches.                       BOSS can provide template letters and
          Commissioner’s Office (ICO). 55 of those                             advice to assist with a SAR request.
          were upheld, 39 dismissed and five   Exemptions                      Several IT companies provide data search
          partially upheld. However, not one of these   You can refuse or limit what you   software to mine large amounts of data
          complaints was made against a private   disclose if certain exemptions apply: for   under defined search parameters. The
          company.                          example, you can redact or remove data   ICO offer a helpful live chat and telephone
            To minimise the frustration and   if disclosing the data would breach other   service through their website
          time you spend on SAR requests, we   people’s data protection rights.
          recommend the following:             If a SAR is “manifestly unfounded   Complaints
                                            or excessive”, you should first seek   After receiving a complaint, the ICO will
          n  Only keep data for as long as necessary,   clarification of the request, then either   either conclude it is not proportionate
            which means destroying it as soon as   provide a sample of the data requested,   to investigate further, or may take the
            you can. The less data you store, the   or refuse the request after taking advice   view that further investigation or action
            less you have to search through!  from the ICO.                    is appropriate. That action can include
          n  Provide the data within the one   You are exempt from disclosing data   entering premises, seeing documents,
            month deadline or advise that you   for a number of reasons:       observing the processing of personal data
            are extending it to two months if the                              and interviewing staff. This could lead to a
            request is complex or you process a lot   (a) Legal privilege      fine and/or corrective action advice.
            of data.                        (b) Statements where confidentiality and
          n  Seek a clarification of what data is   the right to data has to be balanced,   For further information, please
            being sought. A DS is not entitled to   such as sexual harassment allegations   contact your BOSS HR Adviser.
            everything: for example, generic emails   (c) Job references given in confidence,   Click here for more details.

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