Page 24 - BOSS Today Issue 56
P. 24


          NEW MASTERS                                                          and leadership and virtual working.

                                                                               Our clients say that our technology and
          PROGRAMME USES                                                       simulation platform is the best on the
                                                                                  Dominic Wing, Level 7 lead, said, “I
          LEADING LEADERSHIP                                                   remember being selected to represent
                                                                               my school to take part in a county-wide
                                                                               business simulator whilst studying
          SIMULATOR                                                            for my A Levels. It was such a positive
                                                                               experience for me and stayed with me
                                                                               after all these years. After meeting with
                                                                               Business Smart International, I was
                                                                               convinced that their market-leading
                                                                               simulation would further enrich the
          During 2013, BOSS Partner BPIF launched its highly successful        curriculum for the BPIF Level 7 Masters
          Level 5 Graduate Management Programme, which has now
          produced over 200 graduates. Earlier this year, they
          launched their first ever Level 7 Masters Programme.

           he 24-30 month programme is      The simulation will utilise:
          Tcertificated by the Institute of
          Leadership and Management (ILM), and   n  Real-life business scenarios  Victoria Talbot, Managing Director of
          has strategy and leadership at its core.   n  Real business analytics and reports  Steadfast Tapes Ltd said, “Following
          The course is suitable for departmental   n  Storyline structures that flow across   the completion of my Level 5 Diploma
          managers or directors and is the first   all modules and evolve as players   in principles of Leadership and
          course offered by the BPIF at Masters   progress                     management, I realised I was using the
          level that can be fully funded*.  n  Multiple outcomes based on player   enhanced knowledge I’d gained on a daily
            During this month, the first cohort   decisions                    basis.  The course had been extremely
          of learners will be involved in a   n  Modules that focus on key learning   well supported by the BPIF training team
          market-leading interactive business   objectives                     and was delivered in a fun, engaging
          simulation delivered by Business Smart                               manor.  So, when I recently changed roles
          International, which provides innovative   Richard Berg, Managing Director of   within the business; the Level 7 seemed
          and interactive business simulations   Business Smart International, said,   like not only a natural progression, but
          and learning games that teach students,   “We are global leaders in business   also a perfect fit with the knowledge
          future employees and future managers   simulations. We have worked with   and skills I am using within my new
          business acumen and leadership skills for   more than 300 corporate clients in   role.  Allowing me to further develop and
          enhanced employability and alignment to   all vertical sectors and more than 20   enhance them, thus facilitating me to be
          the corporate world.              business schools, delivered across over   the best leader I possibly can.”
          The cohort will be split into teams and   85 countries. We provide both off-the-
          compete with each other. Each team will   shelf and bespoke simulations. Our   For more information on, or to register
          then have to:                     wealth of experience in the corporate   your interest in the Level 7 Masters
                                            market ideally positions us to bridge the   Programme, please contact Dominic
          n  Analyse business reports and market   gap between education and corporate   Wing at
            information                     resource delivery. We have worked with
          n  Make informed decisions and select   numerous business schools to bring a   * For levy payers, the apprenticeship levy
            responses                       host of soft skills to the resource market,   can be used to fund 100% of the course.
          n  Review decisions and implement   such as critical thinking, problem   For non-levy payers, government funding
            learnings for the next round    solving, teamwork and collaboration,   will cover 95% of the course.

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