Page 23 - BOSS Today Issue 56
P. 23
BOSS Today #56
use clear and unambiguous labelling of tool that is compliant with ISO standards “With recent energy
their recyclability in order to make it easy 14064-1 and 16759, as well as the increases unlike the
for consumers to ‘do the right thing’. greenhouse gas protocol.
industry has ever seen,
Net Zero Renewables and the knock-on effect
Achieving or maintaining Net Zero With the requirement to be Net Zero
is at the top of many companies’ and rising energy costs, renewables for other raw materials -
requirements. Net Zero relates to carbon are becoming increasingly appealing including paper and plastic
emissions, and means ‘achieving a for businesses that want to meet
balance between the carbon emitted decarbonisation targets, significantly - there really has never
into the atmosphere and the carbon reduce energy costs and enhance their been a better time
removed from it’. According to PAS 2060 sustainability profiles. With recent energy to explore an alternative
(the BSI guide to organisational carbon increases unlike the industry has ever
neutrality), it’s the same as going ‘carbon seen, and the knock-on effect for other energy source.”
neutral’. raw materials - including paper and plastic
This section includes a Net Zero guide - there really has never been a better time
and processes to help you get started on to explore an alternative energy source.
what is required to achieve your goal. It This section provides insight on mainly
also explores the measuring of carbon, solar power and electric vehicles (EV).
since you must measure your emissions
to begin – or continue with – your Net To start and/or continue your
Zero journey. BOSS’s partner BPIF, in environmental and sustainability
conjunction with members of Intergraf, journey, you can find the Road Map by
has produced an emissions calculation clicking here.