Page 25 - BOSS Today Issue 56
P. 25

DOWN TO BUSINESS   BOSS Today      #56


                                                   AND HOW TO

                                                   DEAL WITH IT

             e all know what it’s like to feel stressed,   “Employers have an   related stress in your employees, and
          Wbut it’s not easy to pin down exactly                               are concerned that it is affecting their
          what stress means. When we say things   obligation to manage         health and wellbeing, it’s time to talk
          might be talking about situations or events  work-related stress     obligation to manage work-related stress
          like “This is stressful!”, or “I’m stressed!”, we                    to them about it. Employers have an
          that put pressure on us, or times when we   by focusing on stress    by focusing on stress prevention and early
          have lots to do and think about or don’t                             intervention.
          have much control over what happens. Or it   prevention and early       Encouraging an open culture, in
          the feelings we get when we have demands  intervention.”             which employees feel like they can talk
          is our reaction to being under pressure, like
                                                                               to each other or to their managers will
          placed on us that we find difficult to cope                          undoubtedly help alleviate stress in the
          with.                                Recognising the signs of stress can help   workplace.
                                            employers to take steps to stop, lower   Trained Mental Health First Aiders can
          Signs of stress                   and manage stress in their workplace.   support colleagues in times of need. They
          Stress is not an illness, but it can make us ill.   Managers should look out for signs of stress   can also help manage varying degrees
          Stress can cause mental health problems,   in their teams and workers and should   of mental health issues, recognise the
          as well as make existing problems worse.   think about whether any stress they may   symptoms of stress, and give employees a
          For example, experiencing lots of stress   be feeling could be linked to work pressure.  ‘go-to’ person in a time of crisis.
          might contribute to the development of                                  Alternatively, you could implement an
          anxiety or depression. A traumatic period   Causes of stress at work  Employee Assistance Programme, in which
          of stress could lead to post-traumatic   Some of the most common causes of   employees can approach an adviser in
          stress disorder (PTSD).           stress at work include long hours, a heavy   confidence, and also have access to health
            If workers start acting differently to   workload, tight or unrealistic deadlines   and wellbeing resources. This information
          usual, it can be a sign they are stressed.   and changes to duties. It could even   should be clearly communicated and
          They may start taking more time off, or   be caused by uncomfortable furniture   available to all staff.
          continually arrive late for work, or be   or broken equipment and tools that
          twitchier and more nervous than usual.   employees are required to use to perform   * HSE – Work-related stress, anxiety, or
          A change in the way someone thinks or   their tasks.                 depression statistics in Great Britain, 2021
          feels can also be a sign of stress: this could
          include mood swings, being withdrawn,   How to deal with it          For further information, please contact
          or a loss of motivation, commitment and   Stress can get to the best of us, but if   your BOSS HR Adviser. Details can be
          confidence.                       you recognise the symptoms of work-  found at

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