Page 20 - BOSS Today Issue 45
P. 20

BOSS Today      #45     SPECIAL FEATURE

                                                   Brother UK

                                 Andy Johnson, Head of Products & Solutions

               Q:   What has been the trend     NFC readers, as well as multiple   their origin. We then operate a
                 in demand for compatible       paper trays to allow users to   ‘circular economy’ approach to
                 cartridges?                    choose A5, A4 or A3 printouts   minimising waste in the system.
               A:   We are seeing that their use   at the touch of a button. Data   We invite all our customers to
                 has had significant negative   security features like anti-    return their used consumables
                 effects on the performance of   intrusion detection, end-to-end   to us free of charge to our five
                 our hardware for customers.    encryption and password-        global recycling plants, which all
                 In the past 12 months we’ve    protected secure printing are   operate a zero-landfill policy.
                 seen the effects of an influx of   also now available.
                 non-genuine inkjet cartridges                               Q:   What will be the most
                 that have the wrong type of ink.   Q:   What have been the most   significant innovations in the
                 This results in a process called   significant innovations in   printer cartridge sector in the
                 flocculation in which the ink,   printer cartridges in the last 12   next two years?
                 rather than bonding to the print   months?                  A:   We will see a continuation of
                 medium, forms flakes, resulting   A:   High-capacity toners have also   the growth in Managed Print
                 in a very poor output. In many   allowed inkjets to compete in   Services (MPS), which bring
                 cases, using the wrong ink can   the previously laser-dominated   benefits to customers and
                 also destroy the machine and, of   enterprise space. Today, many   resellers alike by guaranteeing
                 course, no OEM manufacturer    office inkjet cartridges can    performance levels and repeat
                 guarantee will cover these     deliver 6,000 pages or more,    business respectively. They
                 issues, so they can prove costly   which means that per-page   also provide customers with
                 for customers.                 print costs and frequency of    zero-downtime reassurance,
                                                consumables replacement are     automatic supplies re-ordering,
               Q:   What have been the most     now broadly comparable with     guaranteed product quality,
                 significant innovations in     those of laser printers.        periods of static pricing and the
                 printer technology in the last 12                              peace of mind that comes with
                 months?                      Q:   How have Brother UK responded   partnering with an ethical brand.
               A:   The continued growth of     to customer demands for         An important innovation for
                 inkjet use in the commercial   sustainability?                 SOHO users is the availability
                 sector, driven by advances in   A:   We have a deep commitment to   of ‘all-in-box’ deals, which give
                 ink technology – and pigment   the continuous improvement of   end-users all the supplies they
                 inks in particular – has meant   our sustainability performance:   need for up to three-years’
                 that inkjets can now deliver   last year, we were recognised   printing up front and are more
                 the kind of quality traditionally   for this for a second time when   cost effective.
                 associated only with laser     we were awarded the Queens
                 printing. This trend has had a   Award for Sustainability. We
                 dramatic impact on the design   consider sustainability at every
                 of inkjet units, many of which   stage of the product lifecycle
                 are now built for business and   of our consumables: Brother
                 include enterprise-focused     Genuine Supplies are carefully
                 features. Printers such as     sourced and come with COSHH
                 those in our X-Series range    guidance - an important
                 now feature wireless and       differentiator from non-genuine
                 wired networking capabilities,   supplies, which often include
                 touchscreen interfaces and     no information whatsoever on

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