Page 18 - BOSS Today Issue 23
P. 18

Special Report - Notepads

                                                              modern end-users carry all of   Indeed, while the ‘white
                                                              their data digitally on their iPad,   lines’ concept was originally
                                                              smartphone or laptop, they   based on the results of research
                                                              prefer to use a quality, durable   carried out amongst people
                                                              notebook product for when   with dyslexia, Mills believes that
                                                              they do wish to note anything   its application is universal: “It’s a
                                                              down. This has certainly inspired   good product for anyone to use
                                                              the success of Moleskine® and   because it is the written work
                                                              – as Matthews explains – of   that you can see – not the lines
                                                              other similar products: “We have   on the paper.”
                                                              brought in some soft touch   The Notizio® range is available
                                                              leather effect journal products   in three sizes:
                                                              which retail at an affordable   n  Basic: entry level price
                                                              price and are selling very well,      with additions, such as a
                                                              because not everyone wants      plastic ruler.
                                                              to pay £15 for a notebook   n  Standard: available in red,
                                                              when they can spend £5-8 for      blue and grey in both case
                                                              something that looks really      bound and wire bound
                                                              smart.”                       versions, all with printable
                                                                                            tabs and bookmark ribbon.
                                                              Positive Negatives         n  Premium: case bound A5
                                                              Yet another recent innovation      and A4 (fabric covered).
                                                              in this ‘traditional’ market has
                                                              been Avery’s Notizio® range of   While as noted above – the
                                                              products, which – rather than   premium end of the notebook
                                                              comprising dark lines on white   market is growing, Mills insists
                                                              paper, feature white lines on   that the unique features within
                                                              slightly darker paper, almost like   the Notizio® range set it apart.
                                                              a photographic negative of a   Overall, then, there is a
                                                              standard notebook format. The   surprising amount of activity
                                                              Notizio® range was first launched   occurring in what some might
                                                              by Avery in Germany and was   see as a ‘legacy’ product
                                                              brought to the UK in January   category, and – as Wharton
                                                              2014 through some key supply   advises – OP dealers need to be
                                                              channels. “It is a nice product   alive to the opportunities being
                                                              to complement what we      created: “It sounds obvious,
                                                              already do,” explains Fiona Mills,   but the most important sales
                                                              Marketing Director at Avery, “in   tip is to know your customers.
                                                              that it is to do with the office   Understanding what customers
                                                              and home office.”          need and how they will use it
                                                                It is hoped that the Notizio®   will enable resellers to suggest
       Nuco now offer a ‘stone    outside, it’s making big headway   range will be available via the   the most appropriate products,
       paper’ notebook, using paper   and we now sell container loads   OP wholesale channel in 2015,   be able to up-sell into the higher
       made from 80% limestone    to the Australian market, which   but in the meantime, Mills is   margin added-value products
       and 20% HDPE, which is     mainly end up being used in   encouraged by the positive   and, crucially, keep customers
       extruded in the same way   the mining industry. It’s great   response that the product has   coming back.”
       that plastic is extruded (tree   for any application that is based   already been getting in the UK:
       free). As Matthews explains,   outdoors, and you can even   “The reception has been very   n For further information,
       this unique product has    write on it underwater.”    good so far, but we are trying   contact Sophie Bowyer at
       particular advantages in specific   Another trend at the top   to increase awareness all the   sophie@bossfederation.
       applications: “What you get   end of the market is towards   time, for example, by sending
       is a waterproof product and   journal-type products, which   samples to schools and getting
       a surface that is absolutely   have seen spectacular growth   feedback on what they think.   Martin Wilde – the author of this
       fantastic for writing on. In the   in recent years due – perhaps   We are confident that it really   article - is Managing Director of
       DIY and small business market,   – to the Moleskine® factor. The   helps children with reading and   OP market research specialists
                                                                                         Martin Wilde Associates Ltd
       where people have to work   general principle is that since   writing.”           (

       18  BOSS TODAY | July/August 2014

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