Page 23 - BOSS Today Issue 23
P. 23

female consumers, talking in a   The Result              In addition, Knibbs claims,   and character of the market, and
       language that they understand   As we have seen, the result of   retailers have been reviewing   they are keen for OP dealers to
       and embrace.”              all these initiatives has been the   their policies and ranges on own   build on what they feel has been
                                  fact that, while overall volume   label writing instruments, with   achieved. As Knibbs comments,
       The Brand Character        demand for rollerballs may   some grocers downscaling the   “The only way for OP dealers to
       As part of this, Pilot have also   have been in decline, value has   size of their own label offering:   maintain any value in the market
       considered developing and   increased for the major brands.   “They have started to realise that   is to move away from selling own
       communicating the character of   As Knibbs explains, “As a branded   they are selling an awful lot of   brand, because that is a race to
       their brand, as Knibbs explains:   supplier, we have been banging   own label product and getting   the bottom. If you want to make
       People don’t just write; they also   on that drum for years, so maybe   nothing out of it for a lot of risk:   margin improvements you have
       doodle and draw. So we are   the message is starting to get   exchange rate risks are becoming   really got to focus on branded
       repositioning our brand under   through to end-users who are fed   an issue for them, especially if   products.”
       @happywriting. While we now   up with buying ever-decreasing   it’s coming out of somewhere
       have iPads and tablets, there   quality products.”     like China; they have to invest in   n FOR FURTHER
       is still a place for writing and                       the stock up front, so they are   INFORMATION, CONTACT
       doodling – ways of expressing                          carrying the inventory risk; and   SOPHIE BOWYER AT
       our personality and the way we                         obviously lead time is also pretty
       feel etc. So we are trying to build                    long.”
       that feel good factor around our                         The lesson appears to be that   Martin Wilde – the author of this article – is
       brand: getting emotions into it,                       branded manufacturers can help   Managing Director of OP market research
                                                                                         specialists Martin Wilde Associates Ltd
       not just features and benefits.”                       to make a difference to the value   (

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                                                                                              E E E E E E E E E E Edition

         @uniball_UK  uniball_UK                                                       

                                                                                            July/August 2014 | BOSS TODAY  23

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