Page 21 - BOSS Today Issue 15
P. 21

tanley Vaughan says he was   the industry. the trustees are   “For a social society to last 100   In fact, winning a lifetime
       Stotally surprised to hear his   mostly retired “notables” from   years is no mean feat,” he says.   award for the second time
       name called out as the winner   the industry (with the exception   too true.      has also caused Stanley to
       of the Lifetime Achievement   of Edward Cheshire and Frances   He says his enthusiasm for   reminisce about what he did
       Award at this year’s BOSS Awards   Stephen), but he would certainly   staying connected with the   during his working career to
       “I was sitting quietly at my table   like to see younger people   industry, even if he has now   deserve it the first time. A major
       enjoying a glass or two of wine,   put their names forward to be   stood down at BOSS Benevolent   achievement was getting Rexel
       being careful not to drink too   considered. “the day-to-day   Fund chairman, stems partly from   to win the Marketing Award
       much before doing my stint   activities of the fund are all   the fact that he does not really   for companies of between
       on the raffle and auction,” he   managed by the chairman, the   have any major hobbies, other   £2m and £10m turnover in the
       says, “when Geoff Betts started   vice-chairman and the secretary,”   than photography. “I have to say   Chartered Institute of Marketing
       introducing the award and I   he says. “As a trustee, all that is   I am not a gardener,” he says, “nor   Awards in 1975. “this was open
       realised he was talking about me.”  required is two days a year plus   do I know one end of a hammer   to companies in all industries
         It was a surprise partly because   help with fundraising activities.”  from the other!”  and Rexel was the first and
       lifetime achievement awards, as   the Society of Old Friends,   He remains chairman of the   only company in the offices
       their name suggests, are only   meanwhile, is something a bit   Gerrards Cross Probus Club and   supplies field to win it,” he says.
       supposed to be handed out   different: a networking club   the local travel Club. In fact, one   But another major success was
       once in anybody’s lifetime, and   for senior executives in the   activity he and his wife have   getting StABILO to win the
       Stanley, who turns 80 this year,   office supplies industry whose   really enjoyed for over 40 years   Manufacturer’s Award at the
       has actually already received one   membership is restricted to 150   up until very recently is long-haul   BOSS Awards three years in a row
       before.                    people, with new members    travel. “there are few places in   during the 1990s.
         But the previous award, he   only being invited in. the   the world we have not visited,”   All in all, it shows that this
       says, was back in 1997 from   Society holds eight functions   he says.            is a man who can look back
       the Stationery Trade Review and   a year including three dinners.   that is a luxury that is well   with pride on a life of fine
       related to his “working life”, which   But unlike many other such   deserved for a man with two   achievements.
       included stints as marketing   membership organisations, it   “lifetimes” behind him.
       director for Rexel and managing   has a history going back over
       director of StABILO.       100 years, and as a result can
         the fact that he has now   boast an impressive line up of
       received a second lifetime   speakers at its events. Back in the
       award to cover what he has   early days these included John
       been doing since he retired is   Buchan, of the 39 Steps fame, and
       a reflection of the huge impact   Compton Mackenzie, one of the
       that he continues to have on   founders of the Scottish National
       the industry, as a chairman for   Party who also wrote Whisky
       the past 12 years of the board of   Galore and Monarch of the Glen.
       trustees of the BOSS Benevolent   Coming more up to date, the
       Fund, and as secretary for the   society has also invited Barbara
       past 22 years of the Society of   Cartland, Lord Mountbatten, Ken
       Old Friends.               Livingstone, Jeffrey Archer, and
         Although he has now      tony Robinson to speak, while
       stepped down from being BOSS   its most recent guest was none
       Benevolent Fund chairman,   other than “Pub Landlord” Al
       he remains a trustee, and is   Murray. You can’t get more up-to-
       looking forward to organising   date than that.
       the BenGolf event again in 2013.   Stanley’s proudest moment
       He says the Benevolent Fund   during his retirement was in
       continues to provide a vital   fact organising the Society’s   Stanley Vaughan receives his award
       role in helping people within   centenary celebrations in 2009.

                                                                                     December 2012/January 2013 | BOSS TODAY  21

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