Page 18 - BOSS Today Issue 15
P. 18

                  Award winner
       INDUSTRY   Award winner


       The Office Friendly Dealer Association’s new marketing package was a
       worthy winner of this year’s Reseller Marketing Excellence Award

          he Office Friendly Dealer                           he says, many members were   as well – and hence bring in
       TAssociation (OFDA) can                                just printing out their own   extra revenue for OFDA. While
       proudly boast of 18 months of                          separate price lists which were   the team is focused on helping
       hard work it had to go through                         then inserted into a standard   members, it also currently does
       to win the Reseller Marketing                          catalogue. Now using the   some work for manufacturers,
       Excellence Award at this year’s                        Maxepromo system, these can be   and even for companies which
       BOSS Awards.                                           incorporated to fit in seamlessly   have no direct link with office
         Eighteen months ago was                              with the rest of the marketing   supplies.
       the moment when managing                               material.                    Harrop says the whole
       director Steve Harrop sat down                           Maxepromo has also been   marketing package was not
       with his management team at                            designed to sync in with OFDA’s   something put together on
       the co-operatively run dealer   The team from OFDA     existing e-marketing product   the spur of the moment. “All
                                    receiving their award
       group and began to think about                         known at Maxemail. “With usually   this has come about through
       how they could reposition   his members with “marketing   just one click our members can   us researching the market and
       themselves.                collateral” they can really   send a PDF of the catalogue   finding out what dealers really
         They quickly realised that to   differentiate themselves with.  they have just produced in   wanted, and looking at what they
       gain an edge on the competition   The first of these is   Maxepromo and send it out to all   were doing,” he says.
       they would have to evolve to   Maxepromo, a system which   their customers,” says Harrop.  But the response has been
       become more than just a buying   allows members to put together   Having gone through the   phenomenal. “Since we launched
       group. The organisation was   their own unique marketing   process of putting together   in May we have done over 300
       already offering ancillary services,   material and catalogues that no   their own marketing material, if   mailings,” he says. “And some
       but everyone felt it needed to go   one would ever guess had been   members then feel they haven’t   82 dealers have taken on the
       further down that road.    sourced from a centrally shared   got the resources to make use   product, which is two thirds of
         Steve also knew from his own   database.             of the information they glean,   our members.”
       experience that many of his   “I had actually been intending   help is at hand there too. OFDA   He insists that the whole
       members were, as he says, “time-   to do something with our   has invested £80,000 in building   enterprise is not taking power
       and resource-poor”. He also knew   catalogue for years and years,” he   up a telemarketing team of four   away from individual members.
       that their expertise mainly lay in   says. “Previously our members   who can prospect for individual   Quite the opposite, in fact –
       what most independent retailers   were only able to put together   members. Harrop says bringing   it is giving them the power
       are good at: building great   small catalogues of their own,   such a team in-house, rather than   to make a mark of their own.
       customer relationships, running   or use the same wholesalers’   outsourcing such activity to an   And now he hopes that with
       delivery services effectively, and   catalogue, and that meant they   agency, was important. For one   this award win, the momentum
       generally excelling at operational   were all using the same content.   thing, it means that the team   will increase. “We are not serial
       management. Marketing and its   This allows them to do their own   can rightly boast to be industry-  award entrants,” he says, “but
       finer intricacies was something   thing. They can choose their own   specific. Just as importantly,   getting this award means we can
       they were perhaps less confident   colours, put in their own logo,   it means that the team can   go to other people and say this
       about.                     even change the prices.”    build up enough expertise and   is what we are doing and it has
         So Harrop spotted a gap to be   In fact the price list is one   knowledge of the marketing   been recognised by an industry
       filled – and filled it with a suite of   area where there is a really   industry in general to be able to   body.” A strong endorsement
       products which he says provide   tangible difference. Previously,   offer its services to other parties   indeed.

       18  BOSS TODAY | December 2012/January 2013

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