Page 22 - BOSS Today Issue 56
P. 22
nvironmental and sustainability Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR)
Erequirements are at the forefront EPR will be implemented in January 2023.
of the focus for our industry. The This section of the Road Map provides
Environmental Road Map is here to help you with initial insight and guidance.
you to start on the path, to continue to Extended Producer Responsibility for
develop or to review your environmental packaging (EPR) will move the full cost
requirements. Its content is intended to of dealing with packaging waste from
help you continually grow your knowledge households away from local taxpayers
and performance and can be used by any and councils to the packaging producers
company, no matter where they are on (applying the ‘polluter pays’ principle),
this journey. The Road Map has also been giving producers responsibility for the
updated with the latest environmental costs of their packaging throughout its
and sustainable requirements. life cycle. This will encourage producers
to reduce their use of packaging – and
Plastic Packaging Tax (PPT) select packaging which is easier to
Six months in, PPT is still a major recycle. Producers will pay more for
topic. The Road Map includes a PPT packaging that is less sustainable, which
hub to source the latest on PPT and will incentivise the use of packaging that
template documents that can help you requires less material and is easier to
communicate with your suppliers on your recycle. Producers will also be expected to
and their requirements. meet ambitious new recycling targets and